Maddoff Movie

This is really quite good. I underestimated what a monster he was- somehow I didn't realize how very long he was so evil ( from the beginning). It is incredible that he got away with what he did for so long even through investigations long before the financial collapse. 

Richard Dreyfus is really amazing- stunning performance. As is Blythe Danner. And I'll add that I think she is so beautiful. It's s nice to see a beautifully aging woman in Hollywood without a face full of fillers.

I inadvertently started watching this. Now i'm hooked! Richard Dreyfus is giving a,great performance

I like that story is told in the first person. It is unbelievable that Madoff got away with it for such a long time and made fools of those who were so easy to manipulate. Agree that RD is great in the role. Unfortunately, tragedy will enter into the picture.

yes, I know the end part of the story but the whole lead up to it- had no idea the extent of it or how long it went on

and I agree , the first person narration is brilliant because it projects the true nature of his character.

It was done so well and was gripping, as well as informative. And of course the acting was great! I actually couldn't wait for the 2nd 1/2 tonight!

agreed. I saw the Big Short last weekend. Putting those 2 together as a picture of the financial industry the past 20 years reads like the most unbelievable fiction. 

There was a great interview with R. Dreyfuss on the radio the other day.  About Madoff, but also lots more.  Very interesting and passionate guy.

Finished it today and then the epilogue which was really well put together. The introductions from the actors of the people they portrayed was a great touch. 

When is this on and where can you view it? thanks...

Verizon has it on demand now, under ABC network heading.

conandrob240 said:

agreed. I saw the Big Short last weekend. Putting those 2 together as a picture of the financial industry the past 20 years reads like the most unbelievable fiction. 

Yes, I saw The Big Short at Christmastime and loved it.

kibbegirl said:

Finished it today and then the epilogue which was really well put together. The introductions from the actors of the people they portrayed was a great touch. 

I agree. Watched the epilogue today.  I thought I knew so much about Madoff, but there was so much that I didn't know!

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