Mammogram shows something - now what?

I just went for my first mammogram. I'm not yet 40, no family history of breast cancer, so I was expecting to just check this off my list, but... The results came back showing some calcification and they want me back for a "diagnostic" or "spot" mammogram so they can take a closer look.

For the first mammogram, I went to Millburn Medical Imaging because they got good recommendations here, they're close to our house and they had an appointment at the time I needed. But now that I have to go back, I'm focusing on the fact that they aren't a breast center and the two radiologists don't have any particular breast experience. Am I right to want someone with specialty experience? Can I even switch at this point? If so, any suggestions where?
Montclair Breast Center? I see they promise appointments within 24 hours and results then, which is attractive because now I'm nervous.


Go to Morristown Hospital to the Carol Simon Breast Center. It's very, very good. Yes, you can and should switch.

If it was decisively bad, they would not have let you leave the office.

I've used the St. Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center. Couldn't be more pleasant, including a time a few years ago when "something" showed up, which fortunately was simply the result of a clearer image with more detail. They are thorough (which is nerve-wracking but reassuring) and appointments are quick and efficient. I recommend them, although the Montclair center also gets good reviews. Check with your OB, and get an appointment as soon as you can to put your mind at ease. In my experience, if you are there for a call-back, they pursue imaging with mammography and ultrasound until they are satisfied that they have a clear, complete image. Good luck, and please report back!

A calcification may be just that, and nothing more. Please try not to stress (easy for me to say, I know, but I agree with @hamandeggs that they would not have let you leave if they had serious concerns.) Another option is St. Barnabas Breast Center in Livingston.

I'm about the same age as you, and have recently come to realize this happens more than I would have thought. I have had numerous friends with a similar result. All are fine. You should absolutely have it checked out right away, but just wanted to give you some reassurance that all will very likely be well!

I go to Overlook--same health care system as Morristown, same Carol G Simon Center. I recommend them highly. That said, if there is an issue, I also recommend Dr. Michele Blackwood at St. Barnabas Ambulatory in Livingston (across from the mall).

I have calcifications. It is standard practice to take more pics of the calcification. They will continue to watch it in the future to see if there are any changes. I have calcification for many years. So far no problems. I go to breast center because my mother and sister have had cancer. I have other factors that put me in high risk. BC does not take insurance. You can submit their bill for reimbursement.

If it's a consideration, St. B does take insurance.

As far as my research showed me, the only place local that doesn't take insurance up front is the Mtcl BC.

I went through call-backs and an MRI and two biopsies and was very interested to hear, from another patient, after my biopsy, that 85% of biopsies do not show cancer. (I have not doublechecked this figure.) But I wished I'd known that earlier when i was freaking. I too had/have calcifications and eventually got a clean bill of health but it took six weeks. best wishes!

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the advice and kind words and voices of experience.

They did the mammogram on Friday afternoon didn't read the pictures until today and then called my gyn (who wrote the referral) today to say come back, so I'm actually kind of worried about the promptness. I'm also kicking myself for not thinking this through from the beginning. Usually I overworry and over-research.

As an aside, cysts are also quite common and usually mean nothing.

I've also been through the ultrasounds and biopsies...I now get the Rx for all in case they need it so I don't have to wait. It's still scary but then they have an idea of what's normal for you. Interestingly, I have some classifications where I've had injuries - hit with a softball in middle school and slipped in shower after having first kid - both times giant bruises ok breast tissue...and some people have dense breasts and (I think) are more likely to need Ultrasounds and get called back for biopsies.
May the waiting pass quickly and good news on it's way. grin

You are doing a number on yourself. I've had aspirations and a biopsy. They like to be cautious. Don't read into it.

As so many others have pointed out, this happens often. I know its impossible, but try not to be nervous.
And please report back so we know that it all turned out okay - the odds are in your favor.

I think they try to get you in quickly bc they know we worry...may even be doing a favor for your doc.

At St Barnabas if you go in for a diagnostic, they read the results immediately.

There are so many non serious reasons for callbacks so try to calm down and just take one step at a time.

Yes what doula mom says

I've had calcifications for years, and sometimes I've had ultrasounds just to make sure there was nothing there to be concerned about. They just watch them to make sure there are no changes over time. I hope you feel a bit less panicked after reading all of these posts. Take care, and let us know what happens.

There's a stack of research that shows there's an enormous amount of 'stuff' found in mammograms and other checking that "could" be a concern but is progressively investigated and checked out only to eventually find it was nothing to worry about... and what's good about all this is that we have the ability to check it all so that it (hopefully) never becomes anything to actually worry about. (Sadly this is also why a lot of people are trying to say we don't really need to do all this testing)

Which is a very poorly phrased way of saying please don't worry, continue to look after yourself and follow-up, and I'm sure it will all be OK. I'm also in a high risk group, also got called back last time - because the machine decided to have an internal hiccup and digitally "fused" about 20 client records!!! long face

Try not to panic. Overlook was as nice as could be when I had to go for diagnostic/just to be sure follow ups. Diagnostic does get read while you are there. Radiologist was able to add ultrasound at last minute so they could get enough images to be happy with establishing my baseline. Radiologist discussed the findings and assured me I could breathe. What I like about the breast center at Overlook is that from intake receptionist to techs to nurses to radiologists, everyone seemed committed with providing as dignified and comfortable experience at a time that is nerve-racking and explained clearly what was going on through the process. Be well and know that there is a whole community of women who know what you are going through.

Just went through similar myself, and it's hard not to worry, but there are so many "levels" to go through and each has a percentage of false positives. The odds are most certainly in your favor. I had a regular 40-yo mammo and got called back for diagnostic and ultrasound. I was fortunate that they were able to give me results on the spot (summit med grp), all was fine. I agree that they know we worry and have procedures in place to do things as quickly as possible. At SMG they had us wait after the diagnostic and ultrasound, to make sure the scans were clear enough to be read and got the parts they wanted. About half of the women in the waiting room had to get a blurry shot retaken, so a call back can even be that.

It's a humbling experience, though. That's for sure.

Just another voice chiming in to say that I too was called back once in my early 40s, and spent a long weekend in a panic. It turned out to be dense breasts that just needed a clearer image. I now get an ultrasound along with the mammo. Odds are very high that everything will be just fine. Hang in there.

You wrote that this was your first mammogram. The first mammogram generally serves as a benchmark for all future mammorgrams so the radiologist reading future mammograms will know what is normal for you. There are all sorts of reasons, including those noted by above posters, why the images produced by your first mammogram may not be clear enough for the person reading the image to determine whether there is anything there that requires follow-up. This is why there are so many call backs in a situation such as the one you describe. Best advice is to get a follow-up image taken as soon as possible. If nothing dire is found, you will be relieved that much sooner. If something is found, you can begin treatment as soon as possible. If you do decide to go to a different imaging center for the follow-up be sure to arrange for a clear copy of your initial mammogram to be sent to the new place (or given to you so you can bring it with you for your appointment) as the imaging center doing the follow-up will need it for comparison. Sending calming vibes.

Hi -- Another vote for the Carol Simon Breast Centers at Overlook and Morristown. I would suggest one of the hospital-based centers rather than a stand-alone. If you need further advice or any counsel or treatment, it's all there for you. My own experience, too, was that the initial images from Millburn were just not all that great compared to what the hospital machines can do.

Let me reassure, though, that the Millburn people would not let you leave the other day if they were really worried.

Just adding my voice to the others to say that I too had to have a follow up ultrasound and biopsy that turned out to be nothing. I completely understand your feelings of worry but just know that there are many many of us out there who have been through this with a good result at the end. Sending positive thoughts your way!

devpamac said:

Just another voice chiming in to say that I too was called back once in my early 40s, and spent a long weekend in a panic. It turned out to be dense breasts that just needed a clearer image. I now get an ultrasound along with the mammo. Odds are very high that everything will be just fine. Hang in there.

Same issue with me. FWIW, CGS Center at Overlook won't even let me leave until they are sure that nothing has changed from the previous mammo.

I had a biopsy at Hunterdon Medical which was positive. There had been a white dot on my breast scan. I had to have surgery, and had it at the Carol Simon Center and radiation locally, at Easton PA. That was 2001. It stopped my career for a few months, but I went back to full time work within a few months. Of course, my employers and supervisors were women.

alice31 said:

I had a biopsy at Hunterdon Medical which was positive. There had been a white dot on my breast scan. I had to have surgery, and had it at the Carol Simon Center and radiation locally, at Easton PA. That was 2001. It stopped my career for a few months, but I went back to full time work within a few months. Of course, my employers and supervisors were women.

Just to add to this perspective, I also had a breast malignancy. I had surgery, chemo and radiation at the age of 45. It was a bit of a struggle for the 6 months of chemo, but this was 14 years ago and I am fine.

Don't panic. (Easier said than done). 80% of lumps are not cancer. They will biopsy it if there is further concern. You are taking the action you need to take now. Good luck and keep the board posted. We can get you through this!

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