Modular home

Does anyone have any direct experience with prefab or modular homes? I've heard there are a few in town.

we have several clients down on the shore who have very nice- high end modular - built after sandy

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I have an architect friend who has customized some for clients. PM me if you want his contact info. 

new207040 said:
we have several clients down on the shore who have very nice- high end modular - built after sandy
check out 

I contacted them. That company can only do a "drop and set" this far north. Meaning, they're not able to do the finishing work. Makes sense. But I might try to talk to some people down the shore who have done it because it's much more common there.

@ArchBroad Sent you a message!

annemarie said:
new207040 said:
we have several clients down on the shore who have very nice- high end modular - built after sandy
check out 
I contacted them. That company can only do a "drop and set" this far north. 


someone was asking on another thread about open land. That wasn't me. But if you pay $400k for the land and then spend $300k on the house, you're already $700k in. Steep. 

There used to be companies that made energy efficient solar modular homes with passive and active solar features. Avis America was one of them. There were others in PA, too. A modular home used to cost from $150,000 to $250,000 not including the foundation for a 2500 to 3500 sq. ft. house. 

Avis was bought by Excel.

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