Mystery sprouts

While clearing some of our ivy we came across these mystery albino sprouts. They were shaded by the ivy so perhaps now that they are exposed they will gain some color. Anyone, any idea what they might be?

eta: ooops, looks like I need to resize them

It's called Indian Pipe or Ghost Flower. It's a wild flower.

Wow, thanks. A few moments ago we looked at them again. They didn't seem to appreciate being bathed in additional light. It would be a shame if our yard work has doomed these tiny flowers. LOL

There's a bunch of these plants growing along the Rahway trail in the reservation. I thought they were a kind of mushroom. It's nice to learn that they are a wildflower.

They like forest floors and decaying leaf matter with dappled sunlight or possibly shade.

That's a perfect description of the area where they are growing.

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