NJ to Wisconsin-movers for a student (just some boxes)?

Can anyone recommend a moving/shipping service to move some boxes for a college student from NJ to Wisconsin at the end of August? TIA!!

Does the college have or recommend a service? (My daughter's school has a student-run shipping service that was great when she went out the first time.)

Good luck!

How many boxes? I've found that very large boxes are dirt cheap if you ship UPS ground from work on a corporate account (using your credit card, obviously).

University didn't have any recommendations. I'd say 8-10 medium boxes at most.

RobB said:
How many boxes? I've found that very large boxes are dirt cheap if you ship UPS ground from work on a corporate account (using your credit card, obviously).

This is what I would do too.

Excellent. Thank you.

Hmm, is there a 2nd option? My business doesn't have a UPS account or corporate card.

You can use UPS Ground as individual too. Price out UPS's cost vs. DHL and FedEx Ground as well, although FedEx ground is usually more expensive.

moose said:
Hmm, is there a 2nd option? My business doesn't have a UPS account or corporate card.

I used to ship by Grayhound. It was cheep and fast. Call them for information.

Make sure you pack in shipping quality boxes...I've had new moving quality boxes rejected for UPS, because they are not as strong as the ones used for parcel shipping. (we had to put the boxes inside larger boxes, which was surely not the cheapest way to do things!)

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