Over 24 hours without a politics comment!

Definitely a MOL record.  This can only mean one thing - Biden is doing a good job and the Trump legacy is fading away!

How odd to have no discussion of Politics on Primary Election Day.

Politics is not only about what goes on "in the rose garden".

Anyway I was the 14th voter in Maplewood District 1  at about 10:20. Long time poster Wendy Lauter was a Poll watcher, and I believe I voted for another prominent poster.

I don't think it's possible to have an honest political discussion with most Republicans these days.

I would like for someone to show some facts that show otherwise, but I'm not hopeful of that.

Today's GOP strategy seems to be based on gaslighting and revisionist history, and it's not worth having a discussion with anyone who resorts to those.

nohero said:

I don't think it's possible to have an honest political discussion with most Republicans these days.

I would like for someone to show some facts that show otherwise, but I'm not hopeful of that.

Today's GOP strategy seems to be based on gaslighting and revisionist history, and it's not worth having a discussion with anyone who resorts to those.

I tried with some dear friends from my college days. There is really no point. Better not to discuss with people you care about. 

I was reading a Twitter thread the other day where someone asked the simple question “How many of you have friends from 20 years ago?” And it was fascinating how many people had lost friends they knew from college, or even childhood - many they had known for 30-40 years - to the Trump cult. My own mother in law is a reforming Trump cultist and has lost her best friend from nursing school that she’s known since the 60s. I say “reforming” because she’s one of the few who recognizes that her support for Trump is why her BFF won’t talk to her. Too many have no idea how far down the rabbit hole they are.

ETA here’s the Twitter thread. Fascinating stuff.


nohero said:

I don't think it's possible to have an honest political discussion with most Republicans these days.

I would like for someone to show some facts that show otherwise, but I'm not hopeful of that.

Today's GOP strategy seems to be based on gaslighting and revisionist history, and it's not worth having a discussion with anyone who resorts to those.

 it's this. It's been going on for decades, picked up steam in the W years, and has now reached its inevitable conclusion. Republicans are now living in a false reality that does not intersect with actual reality. There's no point for anyone outside the GOP cult to start a discussion hoping for a sane conservative to reply honestly. 

ridski said:

I was reading a Twitter thread the other day where someone asked the simple question “How many of you have friends from 20 years ago?” And it was fascinating how many people had lost friends they knew from college, or even childhood - many they had known for 30-40 years - to the Trump cult. My own mother in law is a reforming Trump cultist and has lost her best friend from nursing school that she’s known since the 60s. I say “reforming” because she’s one of the few who recognizes that her support for Trump is why her BFF won’t talk to her. Too many have no idea how far down the rabbit hole they are.

ETA here’s the Twitter thread. Fascinating stuff.


 I have several friends going back to HS. But OTOH I had reconnected in the past few years with my best friend from childhood (we met at age 4). We got together a few times but he turned out to be a toxic Trumper. So that was that. Life is too short for that kind of anger and negativity. 

ridski said:

ETA here’s the Twitter thread. Fascinating stuff.


From the account bio: “I have faith that the exposed crack in our democracy will be restored.”

This is going to be unfair, and superficial, and open to rebuttal and reconsideration, but here was my initial thought: Actively ending friendships; passively waiting for someone to do something.

DaveSchmidt said:

ridski said:

ETA here’s the Twitter thread. Fascinating stuff.


From the account bio: “I have faith that the exposed crack in our democracy will be restored.”

This is going to be unfair, and superficial, and open to rebuttal and reconsideration, but here was my initial thought: Actively ending friendships; passively waiting for someone to do something.

 Yeah, it's not someone I follow, TBH. I have many friends going back to high school and some even before that, and for obvious reasons I'm only in contact with them through social media. I can only remember actively blocking one of them because they had moved to LA and become an ardent anti-vaxxer. 

I've only blocked the one person (and haven't unfriended him). But sometimes it's necessary. You do what you can to reach them. And if it fails, why bother any more? I don't need his anger in my life. 

My wife's oldest friend is a Trump supporter. They talk all the time but avoid politics.

STANV said:

My wife's oldest friend is a Trump supporter. They talk all the time but avoid politics.

 That's how I deal with my in-laws.

ETA: I talk more about politics with my accountant than I do with my in-laws.

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