Pedestrian ninjas have returned

I had trouble deciding on a category, but since most of the pedestrians involved are commuters, the transit category seemed fairly logical.

We go through this every year. The days are getting shorter, if you habitually wear black as you walk to/from the train station please carry a flashlight or wear something reflective. At 6:45 this morning there were several people illegally crossing Valley who almost got hit (not just by me).

Please make yourselves visible. Drivers cannot stop for the pedestrians we cannot see, even if you are in the crosswalk.

I used one of these when I was a train commuter. About the size of two stacked quarters.

And, whether wearing black or not, please look both ways before crossing streets so you don't step in front of an ongoing car. If you must have your phone on while you are walking--look both ways as you cross and use it as a light to increase your visibility.

Jogging/running ninjas too - I almost hit a guy this morning at 6:00am. Sometimes you don't see them until you are right up on them. I use a flashlight when I walk my dog in the morning and evenings.

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