Personals ad?

Has MOL ever had personals ads? I read in the NY Times Vows section about a divorced woman who wanted to get back out in the world but didn't want to do the online dating sites. So she took out a personals ad in Columbia University's alumni magazine. I'd like to do something like that, but based around this area. Online dating (tried it) gives me the heebie jeebies and living in SOMa, I rarely, if ever, cross paths with a single man over 30. But there must be at least a few, right?

By the way, anewname is, you guessed it, a new name for a (fairly infrequent) MOL-er. I don't feel like having my regular anonymous identity identified with this - not that there's anything wrong with this. oh oh

I think you just posted one. grin You can continue to add to the description.

We haven't had it - but it may be a module added to our platform down the road.

A suggestion if it works with your lifestyle and interests is to join one or two organizations (or religious groups if so inclined) where you can get involved in activities in areas that interest you. Could be volunteer service or performing arts or spirituality or any number of arenas. That is often a good way to meet people who share common values in a less stressful situation than a dating site (at least to my very un-initiated way of thinking ... I've been married for over 30 years to someone I met in college, so I can't speak from personal experience, but it makes sense to me.)

Based on my experience with online dating, sac's advice is sound. I checked out the online dating scene in my early forties. I discovered that many people are not forthright. It's not for the faint of heart, but I did collect some funny stories along the way and eventually met a few people who ended up becoming friends. Best of luck.

Just add 5-10 years, 20-40 pounds, and subtract 50% hair coverage from any guy's dating profile and you'll be in the ballpark of reality.

Seriously though- I would suggest checking out for activities you like to do. I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of people who use that site for networking or socializing

I would also encourage you to continue to try online dating, in addition to the Meetups and personals. You do have to screen out a bunch of weirdos and maybe endure some humiliation and a broken heart or two but it is the best, most direct way to meet someone.

Aziz Ansari the comedian just wrote a book on this. Looks good. There are excerpts of it in newspapers.

I think if you are somewhat careful, the online dating sites can work pretty well. My brother met his second wife through, and they have been married for 10 years. Going strong, AFAIK.

PeggyC said:
I think if you are somewhat careful, the online dating sites can work pretty well. My brother met his second wife through, and they have been married for 10 years. Going strong, AFAIK.

Same for my brother (although I don't know which site he used). A while after he was divorced (after a 25+ year marriage), he was so bewildered at facing the dating scene that he actually asked me for dating advice and I hadn't dated for at least 30 years! He was amazed at how many nice women he met--and, that several actually shared some, if not most, of his interests. He lives in a small city in another state, so he may have been able to filter out obvious mis-matches more easily.

That might actually be a factor... my brother lived in central CT when he got divorced and turned his mind to finding a nice woman to date. And now he lives in a VERY remote town, having moved in with the woman he met on after a year of dating. They kept that house when they got married, but it's so quiet in that part of CT he likes to say six cars constitutes a traffic jam there.

I don't know the OP's situation, but if you are a woman in her late 40's + seriously wanting to date you probably need to have a plan that includes internet dating. Adding in Meetups and other groups is icing on the cake. The more you get out there the better your chances of finding someone. The good news about online dating is that if you get some good pictures and a fun profile and take the whole experience with a grain of salt and some humor and openness you can meet great guys, even if some of them turn out to be married or have crazy ex-wives and manipulated children or are commitment-phobes or seriously in debt or alcoholics or cheapskates or republicans. Everyone comes with baggage, but you only need to find one good one whose baggage is more tolerable for you than the others'.

Suddenly I feel much better about my husband.

Did I make it sound that bad? I don't want to sugar-coat, but in the big scheme of things it is really a positive experience. It's so much better than what we had before, which was mostly hoping that fate would send the perfect person your way. I never would have met the people I met on line in a million years through my friends or social groups.

PeggyC said:
Suddenly I feel much better about my husband.

I fell much better about my 15 parakeets

author said:

PeggyC said:
Suddenly I feel much better about my husband.
I fell much better about my 15 parakeets

As long as they are single.

I met my husband on eHarmony. We've been together for over 8 years. Neither of us were matched with anyone awful. I found that I had something to talk about with all the men I was matched with. I'd recommend it.

Good luck! Remember that every bad date is a good story. marriage here...almost13 years together. My only regret is that sometimes I wish I had stated "No snorers, please."

Well, let's just say Mr. PeggyC didn't fall into any of these categories: "even if some of them turn out to be married or have crazy ex-wives and manipulated children or are commitment-phobes or seriously in debt or
alcoholics or cheapskates or republicans. Everyone comes with baggage"


But it did make me laugh. smile

Come to think of it, my ex-husband would have looked terrific on a profile, but he was definitely a big plateful of crazynasty when push came to shove.

Jasmo said:

author said:

PeggyC said:
Suddenly I feel much better about my husband.
I fell much better about my 15 parakeets
As long as they are single.

They are not..........that's why I have 15

This thread is giving me hives...

marylago said:

This thread is giving me hives...

Was it the parakeets? smile

PeggyC said:

marylago said:

This thread is giving me hives...
Was it the parakeets? smile

Actually one of the advantages of birds is few people have allergies to them.

Don't ask the disadvantages.

I interest in online dating never recovered from seeing Gil Valle's profile and thinking to myself, Now that guy doesn't look half bad. Of course, Valle was the Cannibal Cop. And he was married, to boot - what a bum, right?

I sometimes think, in 10 years, will I regret not having looked for someone before the bloom was too far off the rose? But I'm happy now with my kids, my job, home, friends, family, so putting a lot of effort into finding someone with compatible baggage hasn't made it to the top of my to-do list.

That's why the thought of tossing my pebble into a small pool of local guys, who are somewhat vettable, seems perfect. @Jamie, a separate little section with the equivalent of box numbers? Maybe soon?

Don't most online sites identify the participants by zip code or residential town? You could go onto Match or another site and limit your conversations with people in M/SO and the surrounding towns, achieving whatever an MOL feature would.

Seems what a lot of people fear about the sites is there is no screening - anyone can join, and pretty much say whatever they want. Isn't the same true about MOL? And it seems there are many MOL posters who do not live in the area. And how would Jamie screen out if someone is married and/or a cannibal?

More like I am allergic to anything that isn't natural... :grin:

PeggyC said:

marylago said:

This thread is giving me hives...
Was it the parakeets? smile

I think a personal ad section to MOL would be great. There are many of us divorcees without a local way to connect.

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