Public Transport to JFK

Visiting friends need to be at JFK around 8 p.m. Friday night for a 10 p.m. international flight. Can't drive them and car service so expensive so looking into public transport options. Any suggestions/advice?

Only reasonable option is NJT to Penn Station and then LIRR to Jamaica + AirTrain. It'll be a schlep, hope their luggage isn't heavy. The LIRR from Penn to Jamaica is about $7 and only about 20 min., and you should add 15-20 min. for the AirTrain (requires a metro card and if memory serves is $5-ish). So they should leave SOMA around 6pm to be safe. The most confusing part will be inside Penn - exiting NJT train and then trying to find the LIRR section. I know plenty of NYers who can't do it.

There's a bus from Penn Station (Air Porter NY or something). Takes over an hour though. There's also a bus from EWR to JFK (ETS) if you can get them that far.
Honestly though, I'd just use Uber or something. It's a pain getting there without a car.

Thanks, melmm and RobB! Their luggage is relatively light, and we'll be in NYC together tomorrow (passing thru Penn Station) so maybe I can help them figure out the LIRR and Air Train option. Hesitate to put them on a bus at rush hour. Think this will work, thanks!!

Takes about 2 hours and 2 transfers, one at Penn Station and one at Jamaica from the LIRR to the Airtrain. Here's an example..

You can change the info in Hopstop as needed. It's the best site for mass transit trips involving more than one agency.

OK, I see it's been covered since I wrote my post!

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