R.I.P. Author

Bill Dunsavage, Author, was a very active member of this forum, and I want to let you know that, sadly, he left us this morning.  

I'm so sad to hear this. I did learn that he was hospitalized and hoped he would be back with us on MOL. I loved his posts, loved his spirit and will miss hearing his thoughts.

aww, so sorry to hear this - I was wondering where he has been.  RIP - such a nice guy!

Yes, sorry to hear. RIP.

So sorry to hear that. He was a lovely man who I had met in person during the keep the old notice board days.

RIP. He cared deeply about the community.

Thank you for letting us know. I'm shattered to read this news. Even though we never met, we shared a friendship based on love of history, people and language, especially Greek history and culture. I've missed his posts - witty, pithy, observant. Will miss his kindness. 

Yassou, my friend, sleep well. May your family find comfort in shared memories, and may your memory live forever. 

We will miss him. Lively posts.

So sorry to hear this,  He really cared about the Mapso and the people.  

RIP Author.  I will miss your posts. 

I had missed him posting. I remember sharing the bench in front of the post office. Interesting man. RIP sir.

Wow, that's so sad.  I know his wife but I did not realize who author was IRL.  He was one of the few Bernie supporters on MOL. So, I was a fan! I saw him around town and once saw them together at a restaurant and was putting the pieces together.  Anyway, I'm sorry I never got to talk to him in person.

Oh, that's sad news. RIP...


Thank you for letting us know, Copihue.

Bill’s combination of whimsy and, when called for, verbal pugilism was a constant delight to me here. He was kind enough to allow me to introduce myself over tea and coffee at — where else — Village Coffee, where I basked in his smile and took in his keen observations about the township as we shot the breeze. He was a man full of stories. Good ones, too.

MOL has lost its poet laureate. Farewell, @author.

Bill was quite a character. He and I went at it quite a bit here but I always knew he was a person with a good heart. 

Rest in peace, Author.  You were one of us.  I will miss your mind and heart.  And your company.

He will be missed.  RiP, sir.  I'm going to name my next tennis ball "author".

I'm so sorry to hear.  RIP Author. 

Very sad news! Healing and love to his family.

Very sorry to hear this

Deepest condolences.  He will be missed here and IRL.  

When I saw the heading RIP Author I wondered which writer had passed. I can't fathom it was Bill.. We'd occasionally meet for lunch and he always had such stories to tell.. May he rest in peace and may his memory be for a blessing. A true loss to the SOMa community.

Very sorry to hear this.  I did not know he was ill.  He took great joy in life, and shared that, which will be missed.

I’m very sorry to hear this. He was a great asset to this forum, whether you agreed with him or not. I’ll miss him.

So sorry to learn that he is no longer with us. RIP

I'm just hearing this,  I visited with him in what I didn't realize woud be his final days -- to give his wife a break. My heart is with her and his daughter and grandkids.  It was a tough go, but I know he's at peace now. 

Rest in pillows, Author.

I am very sorry to read this. I didn't know him outside of this site, but I enjoyed his posts and comments. My deepest sympathy to his friends and family. May he rest in peace.

I've known Bill in past years when he was a neighbor here in Maplewood . It wasn't until he posted on MOL that I realized how eloquent he could be. His writings on visits to Greece and historical episodes were learning experiences. He will be missed.

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