Racial Fluidity,an Interesting Perspective

Just finished reading this very interesting piece by John Blake of CNN .com.   He said the following :Be non-racist:work for a world where race doesn't exist. WE HAVE TO ABANDON CATEGORIZING PEOPLE BY THEIR SKIN COLOR and other features altogether. It's been used far too much to foster hate and exploitation.        He also talked about the blurring of racial lines  as there are more shades of black and white and choices people can make.                  

This all makes me think of when I was an elementary teacher in the 60's and had to fill out reports on how many of my students were black,white,Asian,Hispanic,etc. I had no idea. They were my children. Race was not important.I loved them all.

I agree that the current distinctions between the races on various reports are not fluid or subtle enough, and are only rough aggregates.  However, the idea that we should abandon categorizing would result in the gross inequities between the races ignored, and the measurement of progress or regressions impossible.  How would we know about and work on the racial disparities in income, net worth, unemployment, education and health if we didn't follow and measure these statuses and their fluctuations by categories?

We can all aspire to be color-blind once we repair the damage not being color blind has done to people of color.  Until then, no.

max_weisenfeld said:

We can all aspire to be color-blind once we repair the damage not being color blind has done to people of color.  Until then, no.

Max wins. Next.

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