Racquet Sports - it's going to be nice outside eventually

New to town, I'm in the market for a TENNIS partner, i'm a solid 4.0 with a life long experience in the game.

Also planning on getting a TABLE TENNIS table. So i'll be in the market for a few folks interested in competitive table tennis? If you have one for sale, please let me know.

Lastly, PLATFORM TENNIS. Have never really played but it looks like tons of fun. would be interested in playing mixed doubles (as my wife would be pretty good at that) or non-mixed doubles. Is there a league already established for this?

If you are still reading and don't have any interest in racquet sports but can lay patio pavers, i'm interested in having some work done.

Josh, PM me--there is a group of tennis players here in Maplewood who meet on weekends. I can give you the info.

Hi, on a sort-of related note, does anyone know where the nearest place to play raquetball is?

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