Random logo idea question

Does this logo ring any bells? Haverford? Hamilton? Some random restaurant that starts with an H? It’s on a small ceramic creamer I’ve got, and I’m wondering if the logo or the building pictured might look familiar to anyone. Thank you!!

Thank you!! It certainly looks like a match, and would be somewhere someone years ago might well have swiped a creamer. (One more reason to ❤️ MOL and its people!!)

dave said:

The (Omni) Homestead Hotel?


How the hell did you know that? 


The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

How the hell did you know that? 

he’s got the creamer and the coffee mug…

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

dave said:

The (Omni) Homestead Hotel?


How the hell did you know that? 

Google image search. Came right up.

Part owner. 

Of a creamer.

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