reco for top-notch mason

We have an intricately patterned front porch - that mixes stones in with the brick -that is in need of repair. It looks more detailed than a simple brick-lay. Looking for a really great mason who can repair or rebuild it - and match the original pattern. Any reco's??


Avellino would be my first call. They are top-notch and very good to work with.

I used Avellino and am very unhappy with my front stoop.  After the first winter 2 of the limestone steps had significant cracks and was told they are not responsible because it was a bad winter.  Now (about 4 years later) all 4 limestone steps are cracked, the cement is coming out of the steps and they look awful.  I will probably have to have them re-done within the next 2-3 years

Any other recommendations?   I am also looking for someone.

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