Recovering photos off a dead iPhone 6​

iPhone 6 is dead (nephew says it won't take a charge). He is using a extra 5 his father had which is fine. Cloud restored contacts, apps, music. But no pics were restored. The phone was never backed up to a computer. I see some software programs on line claiming to be able to grab pictures. Any of them work? Other ideas?

apple store at mash should be able to change battery.  Does the phone operate while plugged in?  If so can you retrieve this way... You'll still need a new battery at some point.

okay. Not sure it was something simple like that. His father brought it to Apple and then kid has an old 5. Not sure if that's because it was unfixable or cost $ to fix (I can never get a straight answer). If it's unfixable, I saw these software applications that claim to be able to retrieve them. My first step is seeing what's wrong with it for myself

Long shot, but worth a try:

the broken one is a 6 but, thank you.

found out it's a bad pin port. Seems like it's a simple fix

Commonly lint from people's pockets get into the connector's port. This is probably the case if the phone would only charge if the cord is twisted or pushed the right way, then one day stopped working all together. Use fine-tipped tweezers and not a toothpick or anything that will push the lint down farther and it should clean up the connection

If you're going to use tweezers, I would suggest turning the phone off to avoid a possible short circuit.

thanks. I think it's simple also but of course no one bothers to ever try to help the kid. I have the phone now and I'll YouTube some lint removal stuff tonight before I take it anywhere next week

A vacuum also works.

The lightning port is an incredible lint magnet. As I deal with an office with multiple phones I have cleaned them out many times when they wouldn't charge anymore. The first few times I had used a toothpick as I was trying to be gentle. After having done it a few times I'd recommend breaking a paperclip so that it has a bit of an edge to it and scraping with that. I've never broken or shorted anything. They can get a surprising amount of lint in there and it can be hard to get it all out with something that breaks easily like a toothpick.

You can tell if a lightning port is linty by if it doesn't quite 'click' when you plug the cable in. Also, if the cable needs to be jiggled or held to one side in order for it to show that it's plugged in.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a phone that didn't charge at all. Even most of the broken ones I've seen had some form of life in them. I have one that just show the Apple logo then crashes and reboots, and one that only displays a blue screen. The only ones I've seen that were 100% dead were ones that were totally water damaged. I've never seen a problem where the battery didn't work enough to get the phone booted, so it's likely the port is the problem. I've seen that a lot since the Lightning switchover.

Thanks all.  I cleaned out the pin area watching  a few youtube videos and it worked. Phone seems to be good now.  I'll keep it a few more days and make sure it isn't a repeat problem.

From experience I'd say It'll repeat in 6-12 months!

conandrob240 said:

Thanks all.  I cleaned out the pin area watching  a few youtube videos and it worked. Phone seems to be good now.  I'll keep it a few more days and make sure it isn't a repeat problem.

Congrats! Just don't tell the Genius Bar you were able to fix your iPhone without an Apple Authorized Service Provider® Technician license

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