I'm going to bed now. It took 106 guesses, and I finally got it. No more redactle. Really. I don't need to guess anymore what is hiding behind the blocked out lines.
Hoping not to be seeking out the next one tomorrow....
That is a hard one! Different every day I guess? Today's is really tricky. I guess it's easier after you get a few keywords. Will have to revisit this one later when I have a break.
I believe new ones are posted at noon. Not exactly sure on that, but it's something like that. It is kind of frustrating until suddenly you get a word with a bunch of hits.
This one's fun, but I have to play it on my laptop -- phone is too small a screen to make it pleasant. I also am finding it fun to slowly uncover the article, rather than necessarily having the goal of guessing the title.
Tried Semantle for a bit but it's not consistently fun for me.
107 today (and needed some google help after I figured out the theme).
I did just figure out that if you keep clicking on the guessed word in the right panel, it will bring you to each location of that word in the document.
Yesterday when I got it in 37 tries, it gave me the statistics of that board (that something like 108 tries was the median, and there was a different (higher?) average. It's not showing me the stats today. Not sure why.
I believe new ones are posted at noon. Not exactly sure on that, but it's something like that. It is kind of frustrating until suddenly you get a word with a bunch of hits.
ah ok, I didn't really read the instructions - you only need to figure out the title. I thought it was about filling up all of the words. The should give the previous day's answer also.
I believe new ones are posted at noon. Not exactly sure on that, but it's something like that. It is kind of frustrating until suddenly you get a word with a bunch of hits.
ah ok, I didn't really read the instructions - you only need to figure out the title. I thought it was about filling up all of the words. The should give the previous day's answer also.
Yes, but you have to fill in the words (or some of them, at least) to get an idea about the title.
From the website: A new puzzle will be available every day at 11:00 AM CDT (16:00 UTC).
I've suffered through this game until yesterday, when I got it in 30 tries - would have been 28, but I didn't know how to spell part of the title. I had noticed something deep in the text that took me along the right path. Won't say what in case people are still working on it.
Today's was outside my knowledge area. I got up to 153 tries... then I cheated (searched Wikipedia using a phrase I uncovered, in order to find the title). I would not have guessed it on my own.
In case you don't already have enough "-le" games jockeying for your time.