Relief for a strained knee

Went running for the first time in a long time and didn't stretch enough. Next day, one of my knees is hurting. Hurts to bend it, hurts to put weight on it -- I am hobbling around like a crone. How do you relieve knee pain? And how soon should I try to exercise it again?

Sorry to hear about your knee pain. Here's my advice for what's it's worth: I relieve this type of pain with real aspirin. If your stomach can handle it, it truly is the best anti-inflammatory out there (and good for your heart too). When I had foot pain, it was the only thing that helped. I was also able to have my drink after work more safely that way (with Tylenol and other meds you have to be careful with liver issues). Do not try to run again until all pain is gone. When you do go back to running make sure you have good running shoes and do not run for more than 30 minutes at first. Once pain is gone you might want to start with brisk walking or doing the elliptical or step aerobics at first, iow, low impact stuff. Good luck and listen to the pain and don't try to work through it. That sentiment I never believe in, Jane Fonda quoting it or not.

My right knee hurts when my quad, hip flexor and IT band is tight, so I have found some really good (intense) stretches on pinterest which help a lot. I'm really tight and find gentle stretches don't get deep enough.

I was going to say the same as @shh. I've been seeing a chiropractor for the same issue (Courtney Centrelli) and it's been a bit of a revelation for me. I was focusing on my knee but actually the issues are coming from the muscles in my upper leg and hip flexor. I've been foam rolling, which hurts but helps.

Good luck - and congrats on the run!

Are you on pinterest? I can share the board with you. (I have pinned lots of exercises for various issues.) There is a really intense one I do where my knee is on the ground and my foot goes up the wall. My other leg is in front in a lunge position. (Picture a knee down lunge with your back leg going up the wall.)

I find this really stretches my quad especially.

If you have a foam roller, roll out your quad and IT band too.

Same here with the hip flexor problem. I sit at a desk for most of the day (trying to transition to standing) and I've had all of the above. You might have luck googling piriformis stretches (be careful with or skip for now the one where your ankle is on your knee), and supta matsyendrasana (reclining spinal twist).

Thank you! I will start with googling... also on pinterest at

shh said:

My right knee hurts when my quad, hip flexor and IT band is tight, so I have found some really good (intense) stretches on pinterest which help a lot. I'm really tight and find gentle stretches don't get deep enough.

YES...I get this too several times a year. I have a super hard foam roller that I use to roll my quad/hip flexor area and I usually feel results immediately. I lay facedown with the roller on my hip. Lean on the leg with the problem and roll up and down from the hip to the knee. You know you are working the right area because it hurts (when your quad/hip flexor isn't tight, it doesn't hurt to roll on the roller).

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