ROCK To Defeat ALS at the Elk's Lodge 6/20

Hi, All! 

It's that time again, the Seventh year I am walking, six years as the Captain of Lainey's Legacy. The walk is May 31st, and I am really looking forward to it!

Our name comes from my Mom. As many of you know, my mother, Elaine Marlowe, Lainey to her loved ones, was diagnosed with ALS in 1980, and lived courageously for three years, believing that they would find a cure in her lifetime. There was no cure then; there's no cure now.

She was a South Orange Librarian, Lecturer and Eucharistic Minister at OLS, Den Mother, Actress in local Community Theater, Active in South Orange Politics, and so much more. My Mom was a Superwoman, then ALS struck, took everything, and took her away from us in 3 years. 

When she was sick, donations from associations like The ALS Association helped her to live more comfortably, by seeing specialists, receiving implements needed to communicate, etc.  We still believe we can find a cure.  In the meantime, let's help those fighting this horrid disease.

Please consider walking with us or sponsoring someone on our team. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease. Here are links to my page, and our team’s page. If you could see your way to making a donation to this very worthy cause, or join our team, I would be most grateful:


This is also the Fifth year we are doing the ROCK To Defeat ALS. This year, like last year, we are doing it at the South Orange Elks Lodge (on June 20th). It's sure to be a great time!

Below, please see the flyer for the Elks' Lodge Fundraiser. It’s not great, I know. I will work on it when I find some time! ;-)


I hope you decide to donate, I hope you decide to come out, win prizes and ROCK to Defeat ALS!

And Thank you!


BTW! We do have a few donations already!

2 Certificates for Dinner for Two from Bunny's Sports Bar, South Orange NJ (and our lovely Leslie Pogany)! Thank you!

Triple Crown Sports is going to auction off Sports memorabilia, too! Here is a link to their site:

And Three Lou Gehrig Bobbleheads from the ALS Association for Door prizes. 

Here is the link to our Facebook Event page:

But we need SO much more! We need donations for the Silent Auction, Tricky Tray and Door Prizes, as well as food for the event. Any and ALL help is GLADLY AND GRATEFULLY accepted! AND THANK YOU! :-D

I walk Mom was amazing, but had to suffer infathomably with this dreadful and fatal disease. And for those who are still succumbing to this torturous killer. 

Walk To Defeat ALS Promo. This is so well made, and includes Ken Dashow, who is an ALS Association GNY Board Member:

Please consider donating today!

We need donations for the Silent Auction, Tricky Tray and Door Prizes, as well as food for the event. Any and ALL help is GLADLY AND GRATEFULLY accepted! Please write to: with anything you would like to give to this very important event...AND THANK YOU! :-D 

Please consider donating, either to our page, or to our Fundraiser with good for silent auction, tricky tray, or door prizes. We also need food to serve to the folks who come out to see these awesome bands and win great stuff! My e-mail is: I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks!

Rockers with ALS:

Mike Porcaro from Toto recently succumbed to this dreadful disease:'

And the Co-Director of Still Alice also passed from ALS:

This a horrid way to go. We need to raise much more money than received from the Ice Bucket Challenge for patient services, but also for research to help stop this torturer. Mine is not a popular view that everyone dies. And, so many feel that their money is better donated elsewhere, because they say the numbers support it. But I say, if you don't want to help those with ALS, then you have never known someone who suffered through this. It robs you of all capabilities, the muscular and vascular system completely atrophy. The mind however, remains lucid throughout the rolling progression to an always fatal ending. Watching my mother live with this disease for three years was the most horrible thing I have ever seen, and believe me, I have seen a lot.
Won't consider donating to our page today, or donating your goods or services for our fundraiser on June 20th? As always, I appreciate with all my heart everything our community does to help with this most worthy cause. Thanks to you all.

Jason Becker is amazing:

Donations are starting to roll in. A Montblanc ladies wallet w/coin purse. Retail is $775.00. 

I really like this one for families with small children: A dozen fresh eggs and a meet and greet with the chickens who laid them. How much fun is that? Thank you, @blianderson!

Thank you to everyone who donated and will donate! We still need a lot of goods and services (and food), so please contact me at:, or message me here if you have anything you can give...and thank you so much!

This is pretty much the whole story in 60 seconds: Walk to Defeat ALS Public Service Announcement - :60 spot via @YouTube

I am feeling pretty nervous that time is flying swiftly, but donations are dripping in slowly. If anyone has goods or services to donate for the Silent Auction, Tricky Tray, or Door Prizes, OR if you can donate food for the crowd, please PM me here or write to: And thank you all for supporting this very worthy cause!

BREAKING GRATEFUL DEAD NEWS: I HAVE to list the donations we have received so far, and I promise to do that, probably when the weekend comes, BUT, for now, I just HAD to share with all of you Deadheads (you know who you are...and there's a lot of you): I met James Kaplow in NYC today, because he had AWESOME GD memorabilia to donate, among other incredibly awesome things. I will take pictures and share descriptions soon too, by the latest this weekend. I can't wait for you to see it all! 

Won't consider donating to our page today, or donating your goods or services for our fundraiser on June 20th? As always, I appreciate with all my heart everything our community does to help with this most worthy cause. Thanks to you all.

If you can donate goods, services, or food, please PM me here or e-mail:


Did you know? U.S. veterans carry a nearly 60 percent greater risk of contracting ALS than civilians, according to a white paper published in 2013 by the ALS Association, citing Harvard University research that tracked ex-service members back to 1910.

In 2008, the Veteran's Administration declared ALS a Service Connected Disease

I am so close to my goal..(Goal: $2,500.00, Achieved: $1,888.00), but the walk is so close too! Lainey's Legacy will walk at the rofileTimelineSectionPagelet"}" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=132920486773678" saprocessedanchor="true">Walk to Defeat ALS - The ALS Association Greater NY Chapter on May 31st at Saddle River County Park. Won't you read my page, then donate today to this very worthy cause?

Also, we still need a lot of auction items and food to feed the masses that come out and help us raise money to help those still suffering and dying from this dreadful disease. Please PM me here or contact me at: if you have any donations to give. And for those who have already donated: THANK YOU!!!

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!

Meg, I'll see what I can come up with for the silent auction oh oh

HarleyQuinn said:
Meg, I'll see what I can come up with for the silent auction oh oh

Thank you, @HarleyQuinn! As always, you are awesome!

The walk is a less than a week away, and I still have not reached my goal! Won't you help with a donation today to this very worthy cause?

And ROCK To Defeat ALS is less than a month away, and we STILL need donations and any food you can offer. Here is a link to the event on Facebook. The pictures of the items we have so far are there:

Can I tell you all that there actually ARE some truly nice people out there? I got a call out today of the blue from the owner of Pimento Grill in Maplewood. He wanted to find out if we are having the ROCK To Defeat ALS Fundraiser this year (we are), because he wants to donate something again.‪#‎yayhumanity‬. Still trying to get donations of goods and services. We also need food to feed the masses, so if you have a restaurant and want to donate something, please let me know. We would greatly appreciate it. Here's the Facebook Link:

The Fundraiser is June 20th at the Elk's Lodge. Lainey's Legacy is walking this Sunday in the Walk To Defeat ALS in Saddle Brook. There's still time to make a donation to my page.

I am so close to my goal, but tomorrow is the walk!

I was trying to decide if I should do this again, but I am glad that I did. My Mom suffered so much, and there are so many suffering now with ALS. Not only does your donation go towards research, but it also goes towards patient services, and I can recall how important that is to patients and their families.

Won't you consider donating to this very worthy cause today?

I am so close to my goal, but tomorrow is the walk!

I was trying to decide if I should do this again, but I am glad that I did. My Mom suffered so much, and there are so many suffering now with ALS. Not only does your donation go towards research, but it also goes towards patient services, and I can recall how important that is to patients and their families.

Won't you consider donating to this very worthy cause today?

Thank you, @marylago! The walk was awesome, and we raised a lot of money...but have not reached our goal...we hope to with the Fundraiser, coming up on June 20th!

We STILL need more donations and FOOD to feed those who come. Please contact me here on MOL or at: and thank you all!

marylago said:
Go meggie

Here is what we are looking at so far. Not too shabby! And of course, we will have signed Sports Memorabilia from Triple Crown Sports

Silent Auction Items ROCK To Defeat ALS 6/20/15

ITEM and Start Bid
1 Red Jasper Necklace and Bracelet from Designs by Aron $75.00
2 Montblanc™ Evening Purse ($770.00 Retail) $50.00
3 A dozen fresh eggs and a meet and greet with the chickens
who laid them, and a tour of the Vaux Hall house in Maplewood $25.00
4 Grateful Dead Memorabilia $25.00
5 Signed Checks from Noted Music Related Personalities $25.00
6 Earrings $15.00
7 Jade and Amethyst Necklace $15.00
8 Emerald and Ruby Colored Stones Necklace $10.00
9 Crystal & Amethyst Colored Stone with Green Stone Pendant $10.00
10. 1 hour closet design or color consultation Form&Finish Design by Suzanne Hassler. $15.00
11. Arbonne Basket from Melanie Brown $15.00

Tricky Tray Items ROCK To Defeat ALS 6/20/15

1 Lynrd Skynrd Picture Disk
2 Black Crowes Silver Disks from Italy
3 Allman Bros Silver Disks from Italy
4 Tommy Hilfiger purse and patriotic scarves
5 American Girl Bitty Baby's Mini-Elephant and Story Book
6 Collector's item: Still in plastic South Orangeoply
7 Angel Candle-holder
8 Crystal Bracelet
9 Disney World Frame
10 Crystals and Genomes – choice of 2 sets
11 Choice of Gift Certificates:
1) Bunny’s Dinner for Two
2) $50.00 Certificate from Pimento Grill
3) Moods In Hair Haircut Certificate

Door Prizes ROCK To Defeat ALS 6/20/15

1 Lou Gehrig Bobble head Dolls
2 Children’s Ladybug Necklace and Bracelet
3 Playdoh Multi-Pack
4 Costume Jewelry Ring
5 Incense and Incense Holder
6 Set of Framed Pictures
7 Garden Rocks (your choice of 2)
8 Mesh Food Cover
9 ALS T-Shirts
10 Greeting Card
11 Healing Stones Page

Here's a link to the FB Event Page for pictures of the items:

I can't wait! I think the event will indeed ROCK for a good cause!

We STILL need more food to feed the masses, though. If you know anyone who would be willing to donate, please let me know! Thank you!

Here is a link to the pictures of the items:

Less than a week now until the Big Event, and we are ready to Rock and have a grand ol' time! Here is our newest donation. This is really one of my favorites. It makes me so happy to announce this prize!

^ And I've heard from a good source that there may be homemade beer and wine tasting, also.

YAY! That would be too awesome! :-D

blianderson said:
^ And I've heard from a good source that there may be homemade beer and wine tasting, also.

This is our Fifth Annual ROCK To Defeat ALS Event in South Orange. The first 3 years we did it at Bunny's, and last year moved it to the Lodge. My mother was very active in South Orange affairs, Our Lady of Sorrows, and was a South Orange Children's Librarian for as long as I could remember until her death. She was also an actress who was in most of the groups in our area. This event is a way to support those who are now suffering from this dreadful disease, but it's also a way to give back to the community that my Mother loved so much and call home...our SOMA community!

It's at the South Orange Elks Lodge on June 20th from 7pm to 12am. I hope you can make's sure to be a blast!


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