Salma Hayek via NY Times - "Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too"

I've read many, too many, accounts of women we know as actresses and of those who are behind the scenes. For some reason, Salma's account of her experiences with HW were delivered with so much verve, I couldn't stop reading it (and it was a hard read).

Hoping that this "movement" isn't fleeting or "trendy" because it showcases the amount of financial control and fear a man has over a woman in the workplace. Somewhere, as I type, there is a woman working at UPS who is going through what Ms. Hayek has experienced. She needs her piece in the Times as well.

I could not find the exact On the Media podcast but I shall continue to search for it. Soon after the Harvey Weinstein story broke OTM did a podcast about sexual harassment in general. At one point the person being interviewed told a very sad story even worse than your UPS harassment point. What this person said was that in many fast-food places there are horrible instances of harassment and the managers get away with it because the women just quit. This serves a two-fold purpose: they get away with this with no consequences and there are no unemployment claims made since most of those harassed don't realize they can file under a hostile work environment claim.

If/when you find that podcast, please do post. It's not only actresses and women in high level jobs. It's an epidemic that has been going on for centuries and needs to STOP. Men are literally using sex as a weapon as to whether a woman gets paid to feed her kids and pay her rent. It's pimping.

Read Salma Hayek's piece last night. Very powerful. This guy Weinstein is a monster. Extremely personality-disordered.

Here you go kibbegirl. It's the first segment in the Chokehold podcast that aired on October 27. Here's the link

See the synopsis below and it's at about 6 minutes in that Lin Farley mentions what I said about the managers in fast food places (my memory was faulty about the bad acts but they're even worse) but the full 10 minute segment should be totally listened to.

After that the next segment where Brooke interviews Matt Taibi about the Eric Garner death I think you'll appreciate too (she even asks him about the sexual harrassment stuff against him I believe but that is going from memory of nearly two months ago).

"Since the news about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual predations, allegations have surfaced against other powerful men. We look back at the early days in the fight against sexual harassment with the woman who coined the term. Plus: journalist Matt Taibbi examines the life, death and legacy of Eric Garner; and the release of new JFK files brings the mother of all conspiracy theories back into the spotlight. 

1. Lin Farley, author of The Sexual Shakedown: The Sexual Harassment of Women On the Job, talks about the term she coined in the mid-70s: 'sexual harassment'. "

Thanks @wendy! Will get it on my phone so I can listen while walking the dogs. I'm sure I'll be pissed and angry. Sigh. 

You're quite welcome kibbegirl. On the Media is a wonderful show/podcast and I highly recommend subscribing to it. Started listening to it during the election last summer and it's my go to podcast to stay in touch politically which I believe is so important these days and something I didn't do much of before our NIC (narcissist in chief) was elected.

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