Semester Abroad Following Injury

Daughter leaving for a semester abroad in early January and will be traveling with a fractured wrist and arm in sling. Any special suggestions for traveling with an injury that perhaps I haven't though of?

Thank you.

Your orthopedic doctor will probably prescribe occupational or physical therapy for several weeks after the splint. A sling hampers range of motion and strength, but is good for having people avoid knocking into you. (Ask me how I know, haha.)

I'd call the airline in advance so they can be ready to accommodate as needed. They may also have ideas to make her travel go more smoothly.

Safe easy travels & a memorable stay!

Is there someone you can contact that is managing the program? They could probably advise on medical/therapy options if necessary.

look into the provisions for medical care while there....personally I have never found formal OT/PT to be was always things I could do myself at home. But I worked professionally in a related area so I had the gut instinct to know what I had to do....I rehabbed myself after a brain injury where I couldn't even sit unaided or eat solid food at 1st...because the alleged pros said there was nothing wrong with me (JFK neuro in Edison that is supposed to be world renowned).

i would look up gentle stretching/strengthening exercised for wrist/shoulder/arm on youtube..the basic concept is to use, but not overuse the affected area...gently push to do more...if its not fully recovered by the time she comes back, you can always look into PT/OT at that time if need be.

Thanks all. Daughter has reached out to the Director of the program who I;m sure can give her referrals for doctors and I assume will notify the host family. I'll contact the airline. MD so far isn't recommending PT once she arrives...we"ll see.

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