Shana tova - wishing you Gmaar chatima tova!

Erev Rosh ha Shana here already, the morning of the evening we begin Jewish New Year.

Shemademedothis and I wish all MOL, all your families and friends a peaceful and healthy year, a year of plenty, in safety and in friendship, with love and laughter your daily companions. May you have spicy adventures, sweet surprises, nutty problems that resolve easily into delicious memories worth savouring for many years.

Thank you all for your friendship.

Rosh Hashana starts here tomorrow evening. Wishing all who read this a very sweet, happy, and healthy New Year. May you all be written for a blessing in the book of life.

And the same to you, Joanne and Joan.

Thanks Joanne, Shemademedothis and Joan for the sweet wishes. As Lost said, same to you and to all others. And I love the thank you for your friendship tagline. grin

Wishing you all only sweet things in the New Year.

Peace, happiness and much love to all in this New Year L'Shana Tova

L'Shana Tova, my friends!

And, from my part of Australia (a good few hundred miles south of where joanne is) ... Wishing you, and your families, a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year

What everyone else said. >smile<

L'shana tova tikateinu. I wish all a wonderful, peaceful, and meaningful year.

Wishing those who do, an easy Fast.

Prayers for all who are unwell, or recovering, for those who find themselves in hard times, or facing difficult situations, and for those struggling to meet another day.

Prayers and wishes for peace, harmony and safety around the world.

Thinking of you all as this Yom Kippur dawns on our side of the globe!

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