SLOMIN'S OR ADT? archived

After reading about all the break-ins, I decided to look at getting a security system put into my home. I've so far had visits from ADT and Slomin's and am more confused than ever. Each one had differing opinions on systems: for example, Slomin's says a wireless system is unsafe and can be disabled immediately, and if the telephone line is cut, an alarm is sounded at their headquarters. ADT says anyone who says wireless is bunk only wants to install a cheap system; when asked if the telephone line is cut if an alarm is sounded at headquarters, he said no, no one can do that. The price difference is also off the wall. Clearly both salesmen wanted to make a sale TODAY, and I wasn't ready until I spoke to more people.

So my question is, if you have ADT or Slomin's, can you give me any intelligence (other than that you're satisfied with them)? Whisper, if you want to have a more confidential conversation. Thanks!

From what I understand no normal alarm system, be it wireless, hardwired or a mix of both, will sound an alarm at central station of your wire is cut. Routinely the alarm company ping your system and expect to get a response back, but this may be a bi-weekly check or a monthly one, so unless your system is armed when something happens, the alarm co. won't know,

Take note that I said normal alarm system as I know there are some all bells and whistles systems that may alert them to a cut wire and more.

Yes, I think that the notification of a cut wire is an add on cost in most systems -- or maybe the option is wireless notification of breakins. Not sure if it adds to the equipment cost, the monthly cost, or both.

If you feel like you are getting a sales job rather than a good fair explanation, try Metro Alarm (highly recommended by others on MOL). They are a local operation (although like all companies, they use a national service for the monitoring). We changed companies recently, and Osvaldo of Metro Alarm did a super job of explaining things to me, answering any questions I asked, and helping me make the decisions right for my family (we took on some added equipment cost to add monitored smoke detection, for example). He didn't try to up-sell me on anything, but discussed possible added features of interest to me, and gave me a far better equipment quote and service experience than my previous company.

Metro Alarm

Not affiliated with the company, but I know Osvaldo, and he's excellent.

Used Metro Alarm to install my system 2 weeks ago. Very happy with the service.

Our Slomins alarm goes off every once in a while bc of problems with our comcast line. I guess it shows up as a cut line. Nothing like having the alarm go off in the middle of the night for no reason. So if you go with Slomins ask about that. We've had it go off 4-5/x in one night. No sleeping after that.

ADT sells an ad-in that deals with your system if your line is cut. We almost got it, but decided not to against my better judgment (When I was younger, I actually knew someone whose house was robbed and two people were murdered after their alarm system line was cut, so I wanted to get it but we talked ourselves out of it.)

We have had ADT since 2001 and have been happy with it. We recently added a couple of items to our existing system, which contains both hardwired and wireless components. When we met with the rep that came out for these ad-ins, he seemed pretty knowledgeable but then turned out to be a complete dud when it came to customer service - never dropped off the estimate/write-up, never returned phone calls, didn't check was AWFUL. So, I fiercely complained and got another rep, and he was great, and things went smoothly, and he actually saved us money because the first rep convinced us that ad-ins wouldn't work with our existing system, but it actually did, so we spent much less than we would have. So, this experience with them was awful with the first rep and was then rectified to our satisfaction.

We have had a few false alarms (maybe 5-6) since 2001, so it does happen, but it's not often, and we ALWAYS set the alarm when we go out and go to sleep...we even set it when we go out for a quick run. We don't use our cable company for phone service. We also have two cats, and they don't set off the alarm.

I like that ADT is a national company, so if we move, we can just transfer our contract to where we move to. We pay about $39/month for monitoring. I forget what the initial system cost was.

There is another thread about this, titled "home security systems." A lot of talk and advice given there (I was the OP). I went onto the Metro Alarm system website and it seems they don't use a phone line at all. Very interesting! I am certainly going to call Osvaldo.

Posted By: ajetreoThere is another thread about this, titled "home security systems." A lot of talk and advice given there (I was the OP). I went onto the Metro Alarm system website and it seems they don't use a phone line at all. Very interesting! I am certainly going to call Osvaldo.

Yes, I saw the previous thread where you were the OP, but it didn't answer the questions I have after having met with ADT and Slomin's (who both basically contradicted each other).

I do have an appointment on Tuesday with Osvaldo, so hopefully he will give me good, non-partisan, information. Thanks, everyone!

While on this topic, does anyone have a central fire alarm system with heat sensors, etc that is monitored externally? We are interested in adding this to our security system. Thanks!

We recently added central fire alarms to our system with the upgrade mentioned above. For around $400 we added 3 smoke sensors (basement, first floor, second floor) and one heat detector (attic, dust potential argues against smoke sensor). Does not change monitoring cost in our case, so seemed like quite a deal.

With central monitoring, we gain faster response in case of fire (particularly if we are not at home), as well as alarms on long term batteries, with central monitoring notice if they need replacing.

System is very new, so we haven't yet had a major cooking problem to test it, but so far we are happy.

We looked at both ADT and Slomin's, and went with Slomin's. We were thoroughly unimpressed with the folks at ADT and thought the folks at Slomin's were a lot more professional. We talked over a number of options with Slomin's (e.g., wireless? Motion detector?) and they put together a system for us that works pretty well. Over the last several years we've had maybe 1 or 2 false alarms, and customer service has been good when we needed to call (e.g., relative setting off alarm and not knowing the code).

As a follow-up to my previous posts, I met with Osvaldo and, really, I have to thank each and every one of you who recommended him to me. Like susan1014, I found him to be so informative, professional and knowledgeable about everything -- he didn't "talk down" to me, like the Slomins and ADT salesmen did. Also, he did not "bash" his competitors (like the Slomins and ADT salesmen did). I like the systems he has to offer and I also liked the fact that he priced every option separately, like a "cafeteria menu", so I can now choose how much protection -- and where -- I want. Plus the fact that I don't have to sign my life away with a several-year long contract! I'll probably spend more money than I had planned, but I feel confident that I'll be happy and safe with his service.

BTW, he said I was about the 7th new call he had in Maplewood in the last week or so! MOL rocks!

Glad you found Osvaldo as informative and professional as we did!

I've just written my old alarm company a pointed letter letting them know in great detail why I've switched to Metro Alarm. Now I'm waiting to see if the old company actually holds me to crazy fine print that only allows me one window for cancellation each year and attempts to make me liable for the next six months of monitoring services, after 12 years as their customer. (I'll refrain to naming names until I hear how they respond to my missive)

No one mentioned that Osvaldo (aka Swato) also has the best rates!

I think Osvaldo should give all of us a thank you credit!

Posted By: Tom ReingoldNo one mentioned that Osvaldo (aka Swato) also has the best rates!

Actually, in my case, he didn't have the "best" rates. In some areas he's lower but in others he's higher. I think, when I finally decide which items to get, he'll probably be the same, if not a little higher, than ADT (I can't compare Slomin's -- they didn't even offer me wireless). But I don't mind....I have no problem paying for quality.

Try Ritco Security based out of Garfield, Rich and his wife Kim are very personable and do a thorough accessment of your security needs. We have an alarm, fire, and carbon monoxide system all connected to the central station. The system has all windows armed, glass break and motion sensors.

The most important thing you want to consider is the response time of the central station once your alarm trips, the average of mine is 10 seconds (I know because I used to work for the owner.) When I asked ADT what their response time was the sales man told me 45 seconds, which to me is enough time for someone to get in, run upstairs to your bedroom and have a knife to your throat. Sorry to be so graphic.

Oh and another thing, I don't know if they still do, but Slomin's and ADT used to lock you into a 5 year contract and would a lien on your house if you tried to break the contract.

Twinsplus1 - ADT does have contracts but doesn't put a lien on your house if you cancel. I have heard that Slomins does that if you get the free installation deal - as described here in post #18 - -- if you cancel your service in less than the 5 years, you're responsible for the cost of the install and remainder of contract - which looks to be quite expensive and it's in the contract that they will put a lien on your property if you default. That post re Slomins was from 2005, so I don't know if that has changed.

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