South Orange restaurants for birthday parties

Are there any downtown South Orange options for pizza and cake for a casual birthday party? Or something similar?

We were planning on the Maplewood firehouse for my 6-year-old's birthday, and then across the street to the Civic House for pizza and cake, but the timing may not work out. So, I'm thinking about alternatives... perhaps they visit the South Orange firehouse instead and then walk somewhere close by for the "post party." Does Trattoria offer their back room? Or something at Bunny's, maybe?

Or, if there's a place that would rent out a room inexpensively that is also great. I'm not looking for Above or anything formal like that.

Of course I can make calls but I'm just curious if anyone has done this and has an experience to share.

Try the Reservoir in South Orange. They have a separate back dining room they might let you use

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