St. Rose of Lima

Can anyone give any feedback about the school , specifically for middle school 6-8?

I've got one son in now and another who graduated 2 years ago (now a sophomore at St. Peter's Prep). The teacher's are a mature and highly professional group, most of whom have been at SLRA for 10 or more years. Class sizes vary but are very manageable (topping out in low 20's). It has been my experience that the academics are relatively rigorous but serve as a solid foundation for high school. The school offers Latin beginning in Grade 6. We have found this beneficial. The parent group is active, welcoming and very creative. The school features Cross- Country, Track and Field and Basketball teams.I would suggest you take a look. PM me for more information.

We are a very happy SRLA family, but my kids are only at the elementary level so I can't give middle school feedback specifically. Generally, however, we love the welcoming family atmosphere and real sense of community at St. Rose. To us, it's a very special little school and we couldn't be happier that our kids are there. Please PM me if you have any specific questions you think I could answer.

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