Buh-bye Scott.

N.Y.Times reports Walker is quitting the presidential race.

Christie is probably next to go. (That is my opinion, not N.Y.T.)

He's polling at 0% in the Nationals.


gulp oh oh gulp oh oh

Can the Koch Brothers get a refund?

DottyParker said:
<img src="> <img src="> <img src="> <img src=">

Can the Koch Brothers get a refund?

Now the question becomes...who will the Kochs turn to next? It wouldn't surprise to see CC get a sudden influx of cash.

Why don't the Koch brothers themselves run for president? Charles for POTUS and David for VEEP. In their second term, they switch.

Dang! Scott promised to "wreak havoc" on D.C. Now who's going to wreak?

GL2 said:
Dang! Scott promised to "wreak havoc" on D.C. Now who's going to wreak?

You've been warned. oh oh oh oh


Good riddance. I can't put into words how much I despise Scott Walker.

ridski said:
He's polling at 0% in the Nationals.

Me too. But I'm not a quitter like Scott.

From the CNN poll today, it looks like Trump is losing points to Fiorina and most folks like Carson

Registered republicans choice for the nomination

Sept 17-19 vs Sept. 4-8

Trump 24% 32%

Fiorina 15% 3%

Carson 14% 19%

Rubio 11% 3%

Bush 9% 9%

Cruz 6% 7%

Huckabee 6% 5%

Paul 4% 3%

Christie 3% 2%

Kasich 2% 2%

Santorum 1% 1%

Gilmore * *

Graham * 1%

Jindal * 1%

Pataki * *

Walker * 5%

Perry N/A *

Someone else (vol.) * 3%

None/No one (vol.) 1% 2%

No opinion 3% 2%

All Americans


Ben Carson 40% 20%

Jeb Bush 34% 46%

Carly Fiorina 34% 23%

Chris Christie 32% 39%

Marco Rubio 32% 29%

Donald Trump 31% 59%

Mike Huckabee 30% 38%

Ted Cruz 27% 35%

Rand Paul 25% 38%

John Kasich 21% 22%

Scott Walker 19% 31%

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
N.Y.Times reports Walker is quitting the presidential race.
Christie is probably next to go. (That is my opinion, not N.Y.T.)

I think Jindal is out next

Steve said:

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
N.Y.Times reports Walker is quitting the presidential race.
Christie is probably next to go. (That is my opinion, not N.Y.T.)
I think Jindal is out next

Will anyone notice?

Best Scott Walker quip...

In July, when the Wisconsin governor announced his candidacy for the GOP nomination, AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumka issued a one-sentence statement: "Scott Walker is a national disgrace." On Monday, after hearing that Walker's candidacy had ended, Trumka said in a written statement: "Scott Walker is still a disgrace, just no longer national."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/scott-walker-labor-unions-wisconsin-213900#ixzz3mSuLL7L7

He never had a great chance, but I think his true believers bailed when he gave $250 million of state money to a basketball team for their new arena.

Love that he and Christie are such failures. I guess stomping on public workers to get to Washington didn't work after all.

chalmers said:
He never had a great chance, but I think his true believers bailed when he gave $250 million of state money to a basketball team for their new arena.

Right after cutting $250 million from state university education.

dave23 said:

chalmers said:
He never had a great chance, but I think his true believers bailed when he gave $250 million of state money to a basketball team for their new arena.
Right after cutting $250 million from state university education.

Money's gotta come from somewhere. How else will the government pay for a vital public service like basketball?

Given the Jewish holidays timing, may I be the first to wish Gov. Walker "molotov!"

I really thought Walker was going to have traction. The Koch brothers' money, a fawning Beltway punditry touting him, a union-bashing record, and the political savvy to get himself through a recall election.

I guess I underestimated the degree to which the GOP base is looking to non-politicians for their next president.

There are a half dozen candidates who probably should drop out now (Gilmore, Graham, Jindal, Pataki, Christie, Santorum). But they won't because they're laying the groundwork for their lucrative second careers giving speeches to conservative groups. "Former presidential candidate" sounds really good on the speaker bio, and if you drop out before any primary votes are cast, it makes it harder to sell yourself as such.

our gain is Wisconsin's loss

Walker said he wanted the other candidates to unite around a conservative alternative to the front-runner, Trump.

How are the Republicans going to win the General Election? If they nominate Trump all these attacks on him will come back to haunt them and there are millions of non-Trump Republicans who will just not come out to vote. If they do not nominate Trump a good many of his supporters will see it as a betrayal or an "Establishment" conspiracy and stay home.

The only thing the Republicans have going for them is the negatives of Hillary Clinton but I think it's not enough. And if the Dems pick someone else, end of story.

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

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