Christie Squeezes Onto GOP Shortbus for First Debate

The line-up of clown-car passengers who are allowed into the first GOP debate has been set.

Fox News has announced the line-up for the prime-time Republican presidential debate this Thursday, and here's who qualified:

Real estate magnate Donald Trump; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio; Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul; New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

The roster of 10 candidates was determined based on an average of the five most recent national polls. Trump as expected made the cut, as did Bush and Walker, who have each posted strong numbers in recent surveys.

The drama, rather, was at the edge of the top 10. Christie and Kasich, who were hovering by that edge in recent polling, were able to qualify.

But former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and several others will not be on the prime-time, 9 p.m. ET stage. The seven who did not make the top 10 will be invited to a separate 5 p.m. ET debate. Aside from Perry and Santorum, this includes Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal; former HP head Carly Fiorina; South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham; former New York Gov. George Pataki; and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore.

There would have been more viewers if Perry was included... "There are five departments I will immediately close and consolidate. First, there's ......."

What do you mean by "short bus"

If only Morton Downey, Jr was alive today, he could be the moderator for this trash tv debate.

"Christie Squeezes Onto GOP Shortbus for First Debate"

Enough with the fat jokes! ;-)

Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.

Only wish Rick Perry was included in the debate. I wouldn't mind watching an entertaining trash mouth fight between Perry vs. Trump. cheese

phenixrising said:

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.
Only wish Rick Perry was included in the debate. I wouldn't mind watching an entertaining trash mouth fight between Perry vs. Trump. <img src=">

Perry ain't ready for that. This is a man, and I believe this, that thinks that wearing glasses makes him look smarter. He has too much baggage and failure for Trump to feast on.

Should be interesting and deeply sad at the same time.

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.

Do we really believe the selection was based on solely on polling results? Polls conducted by FoxNews, no less. We Americans like to think our democracy is best in the world - a government of the people, by the people. But here we see clear evidence that ONE MAN has decided who will run for the highest office in the country.

The rules for the Republican Debate Drinking Game have arrived...

Drink ONCE any time a Republican candidate:

  • Says “Obamacare”
  • Compares themselves to Ronald Reagan
  • Says the phrase “free market”
  • Uses the word “Socialism”
  • Says the phrase “personal responsibility”
  • Mentions their own religion
  • One or more candidates cut each other off
  • Uses the phrase “failed presidency”
  • Proposes something so similar to another candidate that you can’t really tell the difference between their ideas
  • (Donald Trump) brags about himself
  • Mentions Iran and/ or the Iran deal

Drink TWICE any time a Republican candidate:

  • Confesses their love for Ronald Reagan
  • Talks about “illegals,” but you can tell they’re really talking about people of South American descent in general
  • Complains about taxes
  • Mentions Benghazi
  • Says something negative about marriage equality
  • Says something about President Obama that you know, for a fact, isn’t actually true
  • Portrays all of Islam or all Muslims as terrorists
  • Attacks Hillary Clinton
  • One or more candidates are caught throwing Donald Trump a helping of evil eye
  • (Jeb Bush) is trying really hard to distance himself from his brother
  • Refers to America’s poor in a way that makes you believe they’ve never once missed a meal in their lives
  • Suggests, veiled or otherwise, that we should be bombing Iran instead of negotiating peacefully

Drink THREE TIMES any time a Republican candidate:

  • Quotes Ronald Reagan
  • Says something homophobic, sexist, and/ or racist
  • Says the phrase “pick themselves up by their bootstraps,” or some variation of that
  • Mentions Planned Parenthood in any way
  • Says something that would give either or both of the Koch brothers a chubby
  • Says the phrase “real America”
  • Mentions how many firearms they own
  • Attacks Bernie Sanders
  • Is asked a softball question by someone at Fox News
  • Plugs a book they wrote
  • Says a joke that no one who surpassed the fourth grade would find humorous
  • Promises to bust up one or more unions
  • Blames the recession on President Obama
  • Uses the phrase “mainstream media”

FINISH YOUR DRINK and open the next one any time a Republican candidate:

  • Confuses socialism, fascism, and/ or communism, in any combination
  • Compares the Republican Party or themselves to one or more civil rights leaders
  • Mentions President Obama’s birth certificate in any way
  • Argues that they’re more like Ronald Reagan than another candidate or multiple other candidates
  • Promises to shut down Planned Parenthood

I think that last one is gonna put us all in hospital by the end of the night.

ridski said:
The rules for the Republican Debate Drinking Game have arrived...
Drink ONCE any time a Republican candidate:

  • Says “Obamacare”
  • Compares themselves to Ronald Reagan
  • Says the phrase “free market”
  • Uses the word “Socialism”
  • Says the phrase “personal responsibility”
  • Mentions their own religion
  • One or more candidates cut each other off
  • Uses the phrase “failed presidency”
  • Proposes something so similar to another candidate that you can’t really tell the difference between their ideas
  • (Donald Trump) brags about himself
  • Mentions Iran and/ or the Iran deal

Drink TWICE any time a Republican candidate:

  • Confesses their love for Ronald Reagan
  • Talks about “illegals,” but you can tell they’re really talking about people of South American descent in general
  • Complains about taxes
  • Mentions Benghazi
  • Says something negative about marriage equality
  • Says something about President Obama that you know, for a fact, isn’t actually true
  • Portrays all of Islam or all Muslims as terrorists
  • Attacks Hillary Clinton
  • One or more candidates are caught throwing Donald Trump a helping of evil eye
  • (Jeb Bush) is trying really hard to distance himself from his brother
  • Refers to America’s poor in a way that makes you believe they’ve never once missed a meal in their lives
  • Suggests, veiled or otherwise, that we should be bombing Iran instead of negotiating peacefully
Drink THREE TIMES any time a Republican candidate:

  • Quotes Ronald Reagan
  • Says something homophobic, sexist, and/ or racist
  • Says the phrase “pick themselves up by their bootstraps,” or some variation of that
  • Mentions Planned Parenthood in any way
  • Says something that would give either or both of the Koch brothers a chubby
  • Says the phrase “real America”
  • Mentions how many firearms they own
  • Attacks Bernie Sanders
  • Is asked a softball question by someone at Fox News
  • Plugs a book they wrote
  • Says a joke that no one who surpassed the fourth grade would find humorous
  • Promises to bust up one or more unions
  • Blames the recession on President Obama
  • Uses the phrase “mainstream media”

FINISH YOUR DRINK and open the next one any time a Republican candidate:

  • Confuses socialism, fascism, and/ or communism, in any combination
  • Compares the Republican Party or themselves to one or more civil rights leaders
  • Mentions President Obama’s birth certificate in any way
  • Argues that they’re more like Ronald Reagan than another candidate or multiple other candidates
  • Promises to shut down Planned Parenthood
I think that last one is gonna put us all in hospital by the end of the night.

Thank God it's here...I was afraid I'd have to get drunk without assistance.

Might as well set up at a liquor store as I can't imagine that even with all of the booze I have in my house that I've got enough to make it through this round. Also, nothing for "repeal and replace?"

I'll be passed out by 9:15.

Hahaha said:

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.
Do we really believe the selection was based on solely on polling results? Polls conducted by FoxNews, no less. We Americans like to think our democracy is best in the world - a government of the people, by the people. But here we see clear evidence that ONE MAN has decided who will run for the highest office in the country.

They used the polls they liked and ignored others.

I wonder if Christie will mind being on the left fringe?

Meanwhile, -Trump, -center stage. Jeesuz. Congrats America.

And as a bonus, all the questions will be coming from Fox News moderators, -that alone should be worthy of a couple drinks just to numb the reality.

So the debate is on Fox from 9-11 pm. Jon Stewart's LAST show starts at 11 pm on Comedy Channel but it is usually filmed during the afternoon.

Anyone know if the last show will be broadcast live? I can't believe Jon whould give up this oppirtunity!

GL2 said:

Hahaha said:

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.
Do we really believe the selection was based on solely on polling results? Polls conducted by FoxNews, no less. We Americans like to think our democracy is best in the world - a government of the people, by the people. But here we see clear evidence that ONE MAN has decided who will run for the highest office in the country.
They used the polls they liked and ignored others.

They absolutely wanted to get Kasich on the stage. In Ohio. They want to win Ohio BADLY. It would have been disastrous for Ailes' party had Kasich been kicked to the Elvira hour on CNN.

I am no great fan of Kasich, but compared to the other bozos on the bus he is one of the most competent. He is an odds-on bet for Veep if he does not wind up with the nomination himself.

Debate selection was rigged..violated Fox's own rules. Why? They didn't like the results if they had truly picked the last 5 polls, last 5 outta 6 get them they desired result.

mfpark said:

I am no great fan of Kasich, but compared to the other bozos on the bus he is one of the most competent. He is an odds-on bet for Veep if he does not wind up with the nomination himself.

Except the issue of his temperament. He seems to have a reputation for an explosive temper and nasty personality.

But I agree that he seems to make an effort to actually govern his state somewhat responsibly.

GL2 said:

Hahaha said:

GL2 said:
Roger Ailes is an evil genius. I'm imagining the size of Thursday's TV audience.
Do we really believe the selection was based on solely on polling results? Polls conducted by FoxNews, no less. We Americans like to think our democracy is best in the world - a government of the people, by the people. But here we see clear evidence that ONE MAN has decided who will run for the highest office in the country.
They used the polls they liked and ignored others.

It ain't about the polls, it's about the ratings.

I think they should have limited it to nine candidates and used this format. -More appropriate.

All MOLers surrender their car keys Thursday evening if they're following ridski rules.

This is a great opportunity for an MOL F2F. With a "key master", of course.

If this question ever gets asked, drink everything you can find within a 5 mile radius.

"Each of you claims that God spoke personally to you to urge this run for the White House. Why is YOUR message from God the real one, and why is He intentionally misleading your fellow candidates?"

Jackson_Fusion said:
What do you mean by "short bus"

Something about handicapped children. Also, he will squeeze aboard because he's fat.

If this is broadcast internationally we are done for....

GOP is trying to fill Jon Stewart/Colbert gap with all-star satire on Fox.

It can't get any dumber than this:

ml1 said:
It can't get any dumber than this:


I'll take those odds.

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