Looking back at the Trump Presidency

Did they make Brooke Gladstone say "deez nuts?"

I don't need to know the details. All I know is that a Trump presidency would be great.

RobB said:
Did they make Brooke Gladstone say "deez nuts?"

Not sure. However, NPR's "It's All Politics" did suggest that Deez could be the VP on a ticket with Pete Schweddy, "thus allowing us to sell 'Schweddy-Nuts 2016' bumper stickers in the NPR gift shop."


nohero said:

RobB said:
Did they make Brooke Gladstone say "deez nuts?"
Not sure. However, NPR's "It's All Politics" did suggest that Deez could be the VP on a ticket with Pete Schweddy, "thus allowing us to sell 'Schweddy-Nuts 2016' bumper stickers in the NPR gift shop."

That's amazing.

Unfortunately, "Deez Nuts" is not eligible to be President. He's a 15 year old high school sophomore. I say "unfortunately" because, other than that, he'sat least as qualified as Trump.

ParticleMan said:
Unfortunately, "Deez Nuts" is not eligible to be President. He's a 15 year old high school sophomore. I say "unfortunately" because, other than that, he'sat least as qualified as Trump.

That just means the candidates at the bottom have to fight each other for Mr. Nuts endorsement.

Polling at 7% in Iowa? Jeb would buy that Sophmore a fully-loaded Mustang convertible for that kind of bump.

A well reasoned speculation on a Trump presidency would be fun to read (there would be issues for sure) but this ain't it.

how could anyone do a well-reasoned article on a Trump presidency? I couldn't even begin to speculate on who his cabinet appointees would be for example. I doubt even Trump has thought about what he'd do if he were somehow actually elected.

The cabinet would be like a season of Celebrity Apprentice.

ml1 said:
how could anyone do a well-reasoned article on a Trump presidency? I couldn't even begin to speculate on who his cabinet appointees would be for example. I doubt even Trump has thought about what he'd do if he were somehow actually elected.

Where is Philip K. Dick when you need him.

bramzzoinks said:
Where is Philip K. Dick when you need him.

Long dead.

You would think a science fiction author would be able to arrange it so that would not be an issue.

bramzzoinks said:
You would think a science fiction author would be able to arrange it so that would not be an issue.

True. It worked for Hubbard.

Not even PKD was paranoid enough to predict a President Trump.

We should look over Hunter S. Thompson's notes, though. I'm sure we'll find somethign about it there.

Hang around long enough and you experience George Wallace ..Ross Poirot.........and now another one.

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