Sadly, Post.News is shutting down

Post.News is/was one of the reactions to the Muskification of Twitter (X). PN attempted a new means of monetizing news stories using points accrued by Posters/"Posties" and Posters/"Posties" would accrue points from their contributions. Many columnists and big names like Robert Reich were on the platform, but still mostly participated on X. Ultimately, I don't think the project worked because it was more of a liberal echo chamber rather than a middle ground of people making reasoned and polite arguments, which is pretty much pie in the sky these days. 

I subscribe to the Star Ledger and get it delivered six days a week.  There is no more Saturday delivery.   I know my delivery person and she reliably delivers early in the morning many different newspapers to hundreds of people around town.  There is something about having a paper in hand that is really nice.  I like the Star-Ledger because it covers lots of NJ news.  There was a funny part in the Sopranos with Tony reading the Ledger.  

But, the Ledger keeps sending me emails, advising me to sign up for the online version.  I have refused this so far, but the future may require me to change.  (like lots of other stuff in life.)  

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