Should the Dems gerrymander?

Hell yah!!

e.g. Even though NY lost a seat due to the census, I've read that they may be able to gerrymander 4 more Dem seats.

Do it.

And Oregon may have seen the light too.

do it.

push the envelope until the courts finally come down with decisions to end gerrymandering.  The only way to get the current SCOTUS to rule against gerrymandering will be if it starts to look like Democrats will be able to use it to their advantage.

yeah. the alternative is if they scrap the filibuster for voting legislation and pass a law banning gerrymandering.

drummerboy said:

And Oregon may have seen the light too.

 Off topic, but as much as I overuse commas, this is, without a doubt, impossible to read.

ridski said:

drummerboy said:

And Oregon may have seen the light too.

 Off topic, but as much as I overuse commas, this is, without a doubt, impossible to read.

 What? She wants to pass a Congressional. After that, they will all sit down and plan!

Currently Republican congressional members are uniformly opposed to the Democratic initiative for federal legislation that prevents gerrymandering. Their usual excuse it should be left to the states.

The Democrats should go further. Any Democratic controlled state that does not currently allow gerrymandering should rescind that and change their laws and to allow it. If the Republicans complain tell them no problem, let us pass the Federal legislation outlawing gerrymandering and every state will be on the same page.

Why be one sided where Republican states gerrymander while expecting Democratic states not to.

apparently this year's redistricting is turning out OK for Dems.

The R's are po'ed about NY's Dem led plan.

More good news

Let's gerrymander away. Michelle Obama's "when they go low we go high" thing never really worked out for us, did it. Let's try: when they go low we go lower.

meanwhile, SCOTUS steps in again to un-level the field.

Supreme Court, in 5-4 Vote, Restores Alabama’s Congressional Voting Map

A special three-judge court had ordered lawmakers to redraw the lines, saying Black voters “have less opportunity” than other Alabamians to elect their favored candidates.

As I read about it, the Alabama decision could be very damaging to what's left of the Voting Rights Act. SCOTUS apparently is going to take up the case formally (this was a shadow docket decision).

drummerboy said:

As I read about it, the Alabama decision could be very damaging to what's left of the Voting Rights Act. SCOTUS apparently is going to take up the case formally (this was a shadow docket decision).

Let's face it, the GOP holds a 6-3 majority in the SCOTUS. What is the equivalent of gerrymandering for the SCOTUS? Increase the number of seats?

Can’t let a good cartoon go to waste…

My only comment on Nadler's district is that it looks like a gastric bypass.

mtierney said:

Can’t let a good cartoon go to waste…

Glad to hear you finally agree with President Obama on something.

ridski said:

Glad to hear you finally agree with President Obama on something.

Well you know, she'll swing around in whatever direction the anti-Democrat wind blows. Ask her about a Republican gerrymander and watch her creak around 180 degrees. May as well ask a tumbleweed for its thoughts.

good article today explaining that the GOP left Democrats with no choice but to try to match them in the gerrymandering arms race.  The Republicans had the chance to pass the Freedom To Vote Act which would have ended partisan gerrymandering last year.  And of course not one Republican voted for it.  Now they are whining that NY state has done what they've aggressively done the past two redistricting cycles.  Boo ****ing Hoo, GOP.  I suppose they thought Democrats were too spineless to join them in their game.

“Karma” bites GOP in N.Y.: Republicans whine after Dem gerrymander may flip three seats 

Aggressive gerrymander could send several GOP House members packing as “inevitable result" of Republican cheating

For Republicans to complain about partisan gerrymandering is "certainly rich," said David Daley, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan voting advocacy group FairVote and the author of "Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count," who has written extensively about Republican gerrymanders. If Republicans were concerned about fair maps, he said in an interview, they should have supported the ban on partisan gerrymandering in the Democrats' Freedom to Vote Act.

also from the article, it's possible the new district map in NY is entirely legal:

"The plaintiffs in the lawsuit started out with an uphill battle and have to prove that the plan violated the state constitution beyond a reasonable doubt," he said. "And then, if they can reach that bar, they have to show the legislature acted in bad faith. So it's difficult.

"Wice noted that the state legislature can argue that it met population equality requirements and other criteria relating to keeping together "communities of interest" as justification for the partisan outcome.

Li said it will be hard to justify some of the boundaries, such as in Malliotakis' carved-up New York City district, but Democrats drew the lines knowing the criteria they needed to meet, and it's not likely a court can resolve the suit before party primaries begin in March.

ml1 said:

good article today explaining that the GOP left Democrats with no choice but to try to match them in the gerrymandering arms race.  The Republicans had the chance to pass the Freedom To Vote Act which would have ended partisan gerrymandering last year.  And of course not one Republican voted for it.  Now they are whining that NY state has done what they've aggressively done the past two redistricting cycles.  Boo ****ing Hoo, GOP.  I suppose they thought Democrats were too spineless to join them in their game.

“Karma” bites GOP in N.Y.: Republicans whine after Dem gerrymander may flip three seats 

Aggressive gerrymander could send several GOP House members packing as “inevitable result" of Republican cheating

For Republicans to complain about partisan gerrymandering is "certainly rich," said David Daley, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan voting advocacy group FairVote and the author of "Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count," who has written extensively about Republican gerrymanders. If Republicans were concerned about fair maps, he said in an interview, they should have supported the ban on partisan gerrymandering in the Democrats' Freedom to Vote Act.

Need to do this in every blue state. Pronto.

This is definitely a strident take on McCarthy's hypocrisy but the narrator does bring up actual numbers to argue with.

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