Yup, and one of my twins has decided that UBC is his first choice college, as he doesn’t want to be a politics major in a US college under pressure to implement dogma. (And yes, he knows that Canadian politics may change greatly during his freshman year…)
GoSlugs said:
And the war grinds on.
to be fair, nobody ever took him seriously about Ukraine, except for MAGA morons and maybe the reality-detached..
he did however promise to release the Epstein files, along with the JFK, RFK and MLK files. so today he released 3 of the 4.
guess what he skipped.
no. that's not suspicious at all. nothing to see here. move along. move along.
Bumping this thread to look at/discuss Ethics. Both National, and administrative.
I think that many of us here feel like our personal ethics and our expectations of federal government have been brutally flouted.
I suspect that many of us grew up advocating for social justice for everyone. It’s been ever-present in my life (I’m in my late 60s and 2nd Generation), and learnt from parental teachings and practice as well as from 13years of education in a Christian “ladies’ college”.
So many MOLers are so proud of the integrated nature of your communities. The acceptance, harmony and compassion, the new opportunities for participation. So when there’s an unpleasant incident, the disharmony rankles.
The new federal attitude to governance and to community expectations is ‘a puzzlement’ and it’s sudden, overwhelming and jarring. It’s a denial of our lived experience. And feels - well, unethical.
I have no idea how the Cabinet expects government to function over the next few weeks/months. How they expect bills to be paid, normal living costs to function, rates & taxes etc to flow (given that databases are locked, websites down [hard to get info or pay online] and departments severely understaffed. The flow-ons from this disruption will be enormous.
I apologise for the length of my post. I was trying to explain my thoughts in posting this https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/02/americans-rift-philosophers
It’s a thoughtful look at the ethics in play, with all these changes. Worth a read.
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Let's start off with the obvious. After years of claiming that he would end the war in Ukraine on "day 1" of his new regime, it turns out that Trump's master plan is......
wait for it.....