The Memorable Signs Seen at the March For Our Lives thread

I recommend you watch C-Span for the real feel of it. You know, this is how we stopped the Viet Nam war, much blatant segregation, now maybe, just maybe, the scourge of gun violence. 

Of course, all placards and signs are great, but I like "My Uterus is More Regulated than Your Gun."

I also like "My Life > Your Gun"

"I've lost one friend. I'm not losing another"

"You won't let me hug a kid but you'll let me shoot one."

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson 1763

"You fear we'll take your guns. We fear you'll take our students!"

"The only thing easier to buy than a gun is a Republican Senator"

"Republican for gun control"

"Love Over Lead"

"Teachers Arms are for Hugging"

"My Outrage Can't Fit on this Sign"

"Funny How my right to life wss 

better when I was a fetus"

"Why are girls dress codes stricter

Than gun laws?"

"Thoughts and prayers won"t stop bullets"

"Be a Dick's"

Any more?

"When Paul Ryan gets voted out, I'll send my thoughts and prayers."

peaceinourtime said:

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson 1763

Not bad for a 20-year-old.

What Jefferson actually wrote, or at least had a hand in writing, 13 years later was:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

His next achievement was designing the world’s biggest placard.

such a moving day. And some amazing signs. In NYC

“One of my best friends was killed in gun violence right around here, so it’s important to me.” — Paul McCartney

"It could have been me"

"I am six. So were they" #neveragain 

(Both thanks to.CNN)

"A new town  Same old story" (thanks to twitter)

"Actually, guns do kill people."

Two and two and 50 just became a can blow out a candle but you can't blow out a fire

Check out the PSA ad produced on behalf of the Sandy Hook Promise to help introduce the "Say Something Anonymous Reporting System:"

The Daily Mail has some incredible long shot pictures of the march in D.C.  March for Our Lives:  Crowds Descend on DC for Historic Protest

conandrob240 said:


Great one. I was spellbound all day watching these amazing teens. And the 11 year old girl, Naomi Wadler....

I would love a video collection of all of the speakers to replay each morning. Hope, passion, love, courage, energy, poise, intelligence and truth. Welcome to the Revolution.

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