The Putin Summit - God help us.

How can this possibly turn out well?

Throughout history nations have solved their differences through marriage.

Anything involving Trump cannot be a summit. Well,  maybe a cheeseburger convention. 

I didn't see the presser, but from what the talking heads are saying, it was quite the show.

This was distressing. Watching Trump call out Democrats as if we were the rebels in a civil war. Calling Democrats obstructionists in front of a dictator. Criticizing our FBI in front of a former KGB operative.

They'll be knocking back vodka in Moscow tonight.

It certainly was very disturbing. The nerve of Trump really siding with Putin against our FBI,etc. I was shouting at the t-v. So embarrassing for our country!

One continues to wonder what Putin has on Trump.

Our political system is broken. Our education system is broken. Civility is a thing of the past.

This tv actor is just a symptom of these ills. If we do not enact term limits and keep electing the chuck schumers and the mitch mconnells we will continue to spiral in the wrong direction. Trump is a symptom but he is not the disease. Educate yourself and your children and vote.

God will not help us. THE PEOPLE of this country have to get in the streets. Congress won't help us. We cannot rely on Robert Mueller to help us. WE MUST be in the streets—peacefully—when he gets home. Millions of us. In every city. In every small town. In front of the White House. In front of the Capitol. 

why/how is this not Treason? 

Morgana, you're killing me.....

So many of your sound like you are ready to go to war over theories about Russia.  Here is a calmer head who I wish would prevail:

Just imagine if Obama had done the exact same as Trump today.

Met with Putin privately, denounced USA intelligence reports, failed to denounce Russian meddling in election, etc.

The Republican party would have been apoplectic

nan said:
So many of your sound like you are ready to go to war over theories about Russia.  Here is a calmer head who I wish would prevail:

 No Nan. Trump threw the West under the bus. It’s not about going to war with Russia. It’s about coming up with a meaningful way to deal with Russia and finding some way to move forward from Russia’s land grab in Crimea. Trump , of course, has no clue. But he sure did trash NATO. 

conandrob240 said:
why/how is this not Treason? 

I believe that treason requires an overt act.  Anybody out there know for sure?

conandrob240 said:
why/how is this not Treason? 

 It is called the Bill of Rights..............Freedom of speech is right in there

I believe it was that old rabble rouser Patrick Henry who said " If this  be treason.......let's make the best of it.

Trump is capricious which isn't always a bad thing but I don't get his obsequiousness with Putin at all.   

I don't know that Putin has something on him, which Schumer and Pelosi suggested, but that certainly would make his behavior more understandable.   

If you look at the list of people who have been convicted of treason against the United States, it includes several who served as propagandists. "Aid and comfort to the enemy" and all that.

tjohn said:

nan said:
So many of your sound like you are ready to go to war over theories about Russia.  Here is a calmer head who I wish would prevail:
 No Nan. Trump threw the West under the bus. It’s not about going to war with Russia. It’s about coming up with a meaningful way to deal with Russia and finding some way to move forward from Russia’s land grab in Crimea. Trump , of course, has no clue. But he sure did trash NATO. 

 We do need a meaningful way to deal with Russia.  We should not be going back to the cold war.  It sucks that we have Trump and they have Putin, but it is what it is.  And world leaders meet--it's not treasonous. And big countries, including ours, routinely try to affect each other's elections.  It's been going on for a long time.  This is not some new idea.  Anyway, I just listened to a two part debate on this between Joe Cirincione and Glen Greenwald and I think the do an excellent job of covering the issues: 

Debate: Is Trump-Putin Summit a “Danger to America” or Crucial Diplomacy Between Nuclear Powers?


PART 2 -

Trump is worse than treasonous in the sense that he cares about nothing but being the center of attention. 

Now, talking with Putin is fine. Not really having a plan is not fine. And trashing our NATO allies is crazy unless you think we can hide behind our moats circa the 1930’s. 

nan said:
So many of your sound like you are ready to go to war over theories about Russia. 

 No one here has said that. Your comment is pure strawman.

"Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr of North Carolina said any statement by Putin that contradicts the findings that he ordered interference into the election "is a lie and should be recognized as one by the president." Burr’s committee conducted an investigation and supportedU.S. intelligence agencies’ finding that Putin ordered a campaign to interfere in the 2016 election."


"Representative Will Hurd, a Texas Republican who previously worked as an undercover officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, said on Twitter that he’d seen Russian intelligence manipulate many people during his career.

“I never would have thought that the US President would become one of the ones getting played by old KGB hands,” he wrote."

nan, no one here is proposing that the meeting itself was a bad idea or treasonous. It’s the circumstances surrounding it, the timing given the investigation into election tampering and, the worst, telling a foreign leader that the FBI/CIA of your own country is incompetent and stupid.

Do you REALLY not understand that it wasn’t just the idea of meeting with a “non-ally”?!? Are you really that dense??!!

Watching Trump grovel reminded me of the massive upset when President Obama was accused of going on his "apology tour".

Then a few hours later the comparison was raised by former GWB Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff.

Maybe he can sell hats at his next rally with his new phrase "The U.S. has been foolish."

jeebus nan. there are not two sides to this thing.

Should we have "better" relations with Russia?

Sure (but define better). Who would possibly disagree with that?

Is Trump the person that can accomplish this?

Not in a focking million years. Everything he touches turns to sh!t.

You're really in too far with this leftist apologia for Russia. IMHO, this is the worst mis-step by the far left in a generation. The past two years, they've just been unhinged.

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