Time Machine backup

Well, I'm back for free advice from knowledgeable MOLers...a bit sheepish about always needing w/o offering any contributions here:

I've got a fairly new iMac with a Time Machine backup problem that's baffled me (not too difficult) but also the tech support folks at Apple (more difficult). I've gone back and forth with them several times and their conclusion is that the Lacie drive is bad. Their final suggestion is to try a different drive. Backup "fails" at regular intervals, every few weeks. It's an annoying problem that's easily resolved by either restarting or disconnecting external drive (Lacie) and reconnecting. Then it's fine for a few weeks. So I've just been putting off a solution.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a new drive? Or are they all about the same for my purposes (routine stuff like docs, music, video)? I'd also be appreciative of any other advice about this problem.

Thanks, as always,


MacOS sucks at long term connectivity to devices like shared drives and wireless syncing. How often do you reboot the Mac? I would suggest weekly.

Well, I'm rebooting every week or so since I have this continuing issue.

Whoa....how did I (GL2) become anonymous-user?

Is the Lacie wired or wireless connection to your router? I've had a similar problem with ReadyNAS but the problem disappeared when two things changed: 1. Added an ASUS router to my FIOS setup 2. Connected the NAS to the ASUS router instead of the FIOS ActionTec router.

Almost any brand and model will suffice. Anything is likely to be better than your current flaky drive. If you want to be sure, you could find the model you are considering and read reviews of it. Be sure the reviews are recent and that there is a sufficient number of them. Every digital product has a few dead-on-arrival (DOA) units, so toss out the reviews that complain about a DOA unit unless there is an overwhelming number of them.

Have you ever restored a file from your Time Machine backups? If not, you should practice so that you know that you know how when you need to.

Thanks for advice, Tom, and "anonymous." Yes, it's wired. And I'll practice restoring a file. As always, sound and generous advice here.

I enjoy having you here, so I'm quite happy to help. I like to help people in general. It's a way to connect with people.

Keep us posted.

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