Tina Lehn retiring

I'm happy for her, but sad for us. She has been the driving force behind South Mountain School, and we have been thrilled there. At least our son had 4 years of her guidance. Enjoy your grandchildren, you've earned it.

Dan Dietrich.

Tina was such a treasure to our school system. I was lucky enough to work with her at Seth Boyden and she was amazing. I wish her the very best in her retirement! And I know she'll be missed by the whole South Mountain family - staff and parents.

Wishing her the best in her retirement.

Is this a new announcement? Do we know her timing? I didn't see her listed in the documents from the last BOT meeting.

(But in looking for the news, I found a couple of other piece of personnel news of note:

- Mrs. Pew at SOMS has resigned, after taking a year's leave of absence

- Mr Healy at CHS is retiring effective 9/1/15)

She sent an email out through the PTA this evening. Effective 9/1/15

My bad...I hadn't scrolled up to the top of my email inbox, so hadn't seen the email.

FilmCarp said:
I'm happy for her, but sad for us. She has been the driving force behind South Mountain School, and we have been thrilled there. At least our son had 4 years of her guidance. Enjoy your grandchildren, you've earned it.
Dan Dietrich.


We have been so happy at South Mountain.

She was definitely one of the best, perhaps THE best, of the teachers my children had in this district. And they had many fine teachers.

Our best wishes to her in retirement

Tim Lehn was my 32 year old son's 1st grade teacher at Marshall School and I was a class parent. I believe it was one of her first year's teaching. Even back then, we knew she was magical. All of us new to the school parents were just blown away by her abilities and attitude. When Dan, at 6 in 1988, he asked to used our new fangled computer to type his "research paper", she was accommodating and made it a learning experience for all of us.I still have his report on frogs. Has any other class given a teacher a weeping cherry tree as a end of year present?

And how absolutely thrilled was I when two years later my daughter got to experience the wonder of her teaching.

The district will be oh so more poorer for her absence. I believe there are several of her students who have themselves become teachers and I can only hope they carry her magic forward.

Best wishes, Tina. You have left you indelible mark on more people than you can imagine.

Tina Lehn is absolutely magical not just as a teacher or principal and asst. principal, but she taught us a lot as parents. Huge loss to our district. We will miss her.

Tina Lehn retiring? Michael Healy retiring? Best wishes to them, and sympathies to the district on their departure. And I feel SO OLD!

This is such a huge loss for South Mountain and the district.

This pretty much sums it up:

dg64 said:
Tina Lehn is absolutely magical not just as a teacher or principal and asst. principal, but she taught us a lot as parents. Huge loss to our district. We will miss her.

Our kids were so lucky to have her and it says a lot that even with the crankiest of parents among us... I never heard a bad thing said about her. She is loved by the kids, parents and teachers alike and had such a huge impact on our children.

We wish you well, Mrs. Lane. Congrats and thank you!!

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