trouble on android

Anyone have trouble posting with android devices on the new mol? I find that if my posts go a few sentences I cant edit or just hit the back button to delete stuff for spelling grammar etc, without a long time lag. I thought was just my phone but it happens on my tablet too. Thought about the internet connection but ive tried different ones. Maybe a bug?

I'm finding the new forum clumsy on my android tablet. I cannot paste from the clipboard, the return key will not line advance, and it can be slow (but not always). Also, in spite of netnazis, I like two spaces after a period and the automatic formatting drops to lower case when I do that.

And I can't edit headlines.

max_weisenfeld said:
And I can't edit headlines.

That's a known bug, max. It's on the to-do list.

OK, thanks, I know its not just me now.

I've not had trouble posting here, but I have found it incredibly useful to periodically clear my cache - seems to rid my Samsung of problems when it starts to perform a little wonky / buggy:

I'm using Firefox as my Android browser and haven't had any problems, either with posting, displaying images, etc.

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