Uber from here into mid town

Not used Uber to get into Manhattan. Next 4 days. Tomorrow would be 9:30 am pickup, next 3 days at 6:30am.

Is Uber reliable for this?


Reliable? Absolutely.

(Quick? Not necessarily at those times on weekdays.)

It's not that reliable. When do you intend to order your pickups? I'd advise checking for nearby drivers while you're in the shower, I've had mornings going to the airport where the car was 3 minutes away, or mornings when it was 30 minutes plus, so it's tricky in the suburbs ordering it to that perfect pick up sweet spot.

Unfortunately, even with the above drawbacks it's still far more reliable than calling in a pickup from a car service.

You are welcome to use m3s87 when you sign up for a $15 discount. (I get one, too.)

There are a couple of local uber drivers (don't have their numbers handy) who you could schedule this with. You sort of game the uber system by scheduling the ride in advance via texts and only request it when they are in front of your location.

This allows you to get the ride you need while both parties are covered by the various UBER insurance policies.

peteglider said:
Not used Uber to get into Manhattan. Next 4 days. Tomorrow would be 9:30 am pickup, next 3 days at 6:30am.
Is Uber reliable for this?

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