US Hack Disruption

My computer gave me a warning that I had never seen before and did not understand. I looked it up, and it was related to this problem: changing addresses to numbers, but I didn't know what to do with the warning. I checked my malware software, but it didn't have any warnings; I will try it again. Maybe it has the mirai program that the NYTimes identifies as the culprit..

This is all frightening and fascinating, a real game of chess. I just read a document, published by the US Gov a week ago, about how easy it is to get rid of the Mirai malware.

Essentially, disconnect device from network, power down, change password and THEN reboot.

The concern is that huge numbers of consumers are purchasing internet connected devices (refrigerators, DVD players, video cameras, thermostats) and NEVER changing the passwords. The default passwords are easily available online and hackers can take over your devices with little or no effort.

I got the error again, and it says: Lenovo.Modem.ImController.Pluginhost does not have a valid digital signature. As I stated earlier, I haven't any idea what it means. Something is wrong with the modem?

Lenovo has given lots of major disappointments lately. Too bad. I used to like their products a lot.

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