We have the pre-school gerbils FOR A MONTH. They have packaged food but I'm wondering about any "fresh" food they might eat? Fruits and vegetables? I have no idea.
Probably more info that you need - this was online and i've taken out the boring (advertising!) pieces
In their natural habitat gerbils eat a selection of wind blown seeds, grain and grasses. Gerbils are often mistaken as herbivores, but they are omnivores and do need a small amount of protein in their diet to keep them healthy. In the wild they would satisfy this need by eating grubs and insects.
They also have continuously-growing teeth so they need to gnaw to help wear them down.
What to feed your gerbil Gerbils need feeding every day. A good quality, heavy, earthenware food bowl is essential to keep the food dry and clean, and prevent the gerbil from tipping the food on to the floor of the cage. Their bowls must be cleaned after every use.
Gerbils have traditionally been fed on hamster mixes. However, this is not ideal as their requirements are different and hamster mixes contain too much fat for a gerbil.
Some natural Treats you can provide for your gerbil are parsley, carrot, apple, celery, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, kale, spinach, peas, and cucumber but remember to feed only sparingly (the water content can give them soft stool) and be sure to remove any uneaten portions promptly so it does not go bad.
Well bajou, I just chalked it up to reading comprehension issues on your part, because my initial post said I HAVE THE PACKAGED FOOD!
"Queen of the Camera" grants forgiveness and understands completely you were busting her chops (and it doesn't hurt that you granted the supreme compliment of calling her "Queen of the Camera" in the first place).
It's been many, many years since I had one, but if I remember correctly, we gave them (in addition to the kibble) celery and carrots. They seemed to especially like the carrots because in addition to being edible, it also helps satisfy their chewing needs. We also gave them salt spools (no idea why) and special gerbil wood sticks to chew on. The wood sticks were dyed silly colors, though I'm sure the gerbils didn't care.