What does it cost to seal a driveway

All I need is the driveway sealed and waterproofed.   The asphalt is still ok, the driveway is not excessively long.  I'd say about average for a home with a detached garage in our area.   I got one estimate at 2250.00.   Seems very high to me.

I was told about $500 by Luigi a couple of years ago. We ended up doing it ourselves. Total cost $100 of materials and an afternoon or work (4hrs total).

We will be doing it again this year (3yrs later) as this winter has done a number on a few cracks. 


Pmartinez- isn't  your driveway short?
Hoops- what's average?  who gave that estimate?  You're right seems high- but DETAILS...

2250 is crazy. Run away from that guy.

Yes my driveway is not very big but it is 2 car wide and 1.5 cars long. 

It's an easy job. Just buy a 5 gallon bucket of the asphalt sealer and a big squeegee on a pole, put on your messy sneakers and pants and you'll be done in an afternoon. 

got a quote from Union Sealcoating $250....about 1300 sq ft... so about $0.20 a sq/ft...

We paid about $600 for our large driveway  a couple of years ago.  $2250 is crazy!

That pric sounds more like what we paid to have our driveway re-capped with new ashphalt.

It also depends on the condition.  Prep, cleaning, crack sealing, etc take time.  How many coats were they doing?

thanks folks.   my driveway is about 100 feet long, tapering in width from about 50 feet in the back to the width of one car as it goes between the houses.

I'll call Luigi and see what they say.   I'd rather not do the work myself as i'm not the neatest worker and I always make rookie mistakes on these types of chores.

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