OK - i'm having a blond moment, I've had verizon voicemail on our home phone for months and check voicemail every day.
I go to check it now and the number I need to call has totally escaped me. I've tried 6 numbers that sounded sort of right and reached 4 people I don't know, 1 business and disconnected phone number.
I have always just called my own number from my home phone and when the VM comes on, hit *, prompts me for my password. Never ever used another number. I don't think they even told us about a different number to call.
We have two Verizon land lines with VM and this works on both lines.
You're very welcome! It never occurred to me that there was any other way!
I've always done it this way so when I saw your thread title I thought it was such a weird question (no offense intended)! LOL I almost didn't even open the thread! Glad I could help! :bigsmile:
Never, EVER say that I don't admit when I'm wrong...
A combination of Tom's and Monster's posts got me thinking....
If you are away and you call your # you will get YOUR answering machine.... The only time you can get to the VZ automated answering system is when your # is already busy...
In other words, you cannot access VZ's service unless you TURN OFF your answering machine or you happen to call your # right after someone else calls it...
Therefore, you WOULD need to know the other #..
Or, you could just turn off your answering machine...
Posted By: MonsterI just tried calling my home number and hitting *, nothing happened, but then again I use my answering machine and not Verizon's voicemail.
make sure if you have verizon voice mail you change your password. one of my friends couldn't figure out how this girl always seem to knew where he was going. it was because she would call his number and get into his voicemail. she figured since the passcode for hers was the last four digits of her phone number (until you change it) she'd try the the last four numbers of his phone number.
I go to check it now and the number I need to call has totally escaped me. I've tried 6 numbers that sounded sort of right and reached 4 people I don't know, 1 business and disconnected phone number.
Can anyone please let me know the right number???