Whatsup with the smoke?

Anyone know where all the smoke is coming from?  I checked google news and I saw some fires a couple of days ago but it is getting pretty thick outside without any apparent cause.

Just came to post the same thing -- I don't see it but I sure do smell it. I'm up by Wyoming near the Mplwd/SO border.

I started noticing the smell and haze late in the afternoon Sunday.  

Brush fire along GSP about at mile 145

I also saw smoke in the sky for about 20 miles crossing over from PA Sunday afternoon, traveling east on 80. Not sure that would be the same as a fire on the GSP 145 though, because it dissipated as we got closer to Essex County. 

guitardad said:

I also saw smoke in the sky for about 20 miles crossing over from PA Sunday afternoon, traveling east on 80. Not sure that would be the same as a fire on the GSP 145 though, because it dissipated as we got closer to Essex County. 

Is this large fire in the Catskills responsible?

We need a good rain.

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