Will pay for some manual labor - have areas that need clearing

I've got some areas in my backyard that i've been tossing leaves and branches, and a much too overgrown garden.  need to clear these areas, lay down mulch and put a new jungle gym for my daughter in.  If you or your high schooler wants to help out for a fee, please let me know.  i figure it's a few hours worth of work.



A word to the wise:  if you're hiring amateurs, be extremely specific what you want done and point everything out.  I made the mistake of hiring a college student to save money and instead of doing a spring cleanup (I had said pull up all the weeds and rake up all the leaves, twigs), I came home from work to find he pulled up all of my landscaping in the back yard.  It was absolutely barren and he lined about 30 large trash bags alongside my house.  I now know what it would feel like to have a heart attack.

mumstheword said:

A word to the wise:  if you're hiring amateurs, be extremely specific what you want done and point everything out.  I made the mistake of hiring a college student to save money and instead of doing a spring cleanup (I had said pull up all the weeds and rake up all the leaves, twigs), I came home from work to find he pulled up all of my landscaping in the back yard.  It was absolutely barren and he lined about 30 large trash bags alongside my house.  I now know what it would feel like to have a heart attack.

Hahaha !! You have such a good sense of humor !  I love it  snake 

You are right though.  Exact work that needs to be done and boundaries work great !  The kids today have so much energy but sometimes need specific guidance.

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