Looking to hire someone part time for my estate sales business. I have an estate sales company, the job requires someone to help during the week usually a 2 day set up of Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:30am until about 4pm. Sometimes a Thursday is needed too. This person will help with setting up for the sales, the items are to be displayed neatly for sale. You will need to do some moving & lifting. I am looking for someone who is responsible, honest & reliable and that can work efficiently.
(Weekend job opportunity is also available as the estate sales are typically Saturdays and Sundays)
Should this work for you please contact me via email with some information about yourself and past experience or jobs you have had. Email is paramountestate45@gmail.com
Driving Babysitter/House Manager
Computer Help
Nanny who can drive
BF808 PT or FT Nanny for Toddler (ASAP Start)
WF756- PT Nanny for 1 (ASAP Flex)
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