Animal Rights Animal Wrongs -

joanne said:
oh Morganna! Have you read about the turtles??

 No, how awful. I learned a bit about the Asian markets for exotic animals when our station CNN made a documentary hosted by Anderson Cooper. Here's a clip on the market in Thailand. Worth looking for, Planet in Peril.

Apparently there’s also a large hidden European and US market for exotic pets. Our animals and birds are constantly being smuggled in awful ways for underground markets. There’s been an increase in reporting over the past year.

joanne said:
Apparently there’s also a large hidden European and US market for exotic pets. Our animals and birds are constantly being smuggled in awful ways for underground markets. There’s been an increase in reporting over the past year.

 The irony is that here we kill dogs and cats that no one will adopt but there are people who yearn to purchase exotics.  Did you look at the 8 minute animated short, Kitbull? I think you will like it.

Loved Kitbull, shared it with friends cheese

Just read this distressing news re WWF

What the heck is wrong with people???

In recent weeks we’ve had a man kicking and punching a stray dog, and another kicking and punching wild roo... what the eff is up that they think this is normal and acceptable/funny??


Senator Raymond J. Lesniak 35 mins

Lesniak Files False Advertising Consumer Complaint Against Garden Bros. Circus

Former Senator Raymond J. Lesniak filed on March 9th with the Division of Protection a False Advertising Complaint against Garden Brothers Circus for its web site advertising of upcoming performances on March 25th In Edison, on March 25/26 in Gloucester County and on March 30 in Frankford Township, Sussex County.

Nosey’s Law, signed by Governor Murphy On December 14, 2018, prohibits the use of wild or exotic animals in a traveling circus as expressed in the attached letter from Edison Township Attorney William W. Northgrave to the Garden Brothers Circus.

“Elephants and other wild animals are cruelty beaten and broken and kept in confined quarters for most of their entire lives for our entertainment,” said Lesniak who sponsored Nosey’s Law when he was in the Senate, “Governor Murphy put an end to this cruelty in our state. Garden State Brothers must be stopped from flouting the law and continuing this cruelty.”

Lesniak added, “I call on the Division of Consumer Affairs to enforce the law against this blatant false advertising by the Garden Bros. Circus and penalize them as authorized under the law: Up to $7,500 for the first violation of the law against deceptive advertising, and up to $15,000 for the second and each subsequent violation (New Jersey Revised Statutes § 56:8-13).

I've read about this from a few sources before posting. Our tax dollars at work.

For everyone who hasn't been happy with veggie burgers, this is supposed to be closer to the real thing.

Glenn Greenwald started a new series, Animal Matters, on animals, including animal rights.  They have released the first two episodes:

nan said:
Glenn Greenwald started a new series, Animal Matters, on animals, including animal rights.  They have released the first two episodes:

 Thanks @nan, I'll check it out!

I've been following an organization called Global Citizens I follow them on FB but you can just go to their website. This particular article is on the need for Americans  to eat %90 less meat to help save the planet. Its not new to many of us, and I know people think we vegans and vegetarians are a bit wacky and/or preachy, (I'll cop to both) but as our politics on this forum lean towards The Green New Deal, why not take a closer look. Its true for the elections we only get one vote, but we do get another vote every day. What's on your plate?

Inspirational story about a Vancouver cop turned animal activist.

Here's a quote:

In retirement, the veteran corporal has shifted his focus to defending animal rights, which now regularly puts him on the other side of protest lines and, on occasion, behind a Guy Fawkes mask.

For the past decade, Moskaluk, 56, was a public spokesman with the B.C. RCMP’s Southeast District. He retired on Jan. 30, 2019, after more than 33 years with the force.

On Sunday, he joined animal-rights activists at a protest at a pig farm in Abbotsford, where he donned a “Meat the Victims” T-shirt and used his skills and background to liaise with media and police, and help ensure the safety of protesters outside the farm.

This is a report on the impending extinction of nearly 1,000,000 plants and animals. Its one of many articles on the subject based on newly compiled reports.

Klinker said:

Morganna said:
Iceland stubbornly clings to whaling.
 I often wonder about this.  Is there really a market for whale products?  Are they eating all the whales?  What the hell???

Belated response:

For many centuries, Iceland was virtually isolated from Europe.  During the middle ages, also known as 'The Little Ice Age', there was very little meat protein production on the island (primarily chickens & sheep), plus fish from the sea.  A tradition for whale hunting (for red meat) developed, and yes, they do eat the meat.

Today, with modern transportation, red meat can be shipped internationally, but the cost of importing to Iceland is very high.  So, as a function of tradition and cost, there is still a significant market for whale meat (similar to Norway and Japan, both of which also have limited agricultural land available for meat protein production).

While I am not an advocate of whale hunting, it should be noted that the type of whales caught in Iceland is not endangered (and quite abundant locally).  I do detest the way they kill the whales though.

Likewise, the Norwegian whale harvest is also of a locally abundant species (finn whale).  

I am not clear on what the Japanese 'scientific' harvest consists of.

Happy to see Ocasio-Cortez stepping in for a zoo elephant. I'm hoping more Progressives will lend their voices to help animals used for entertainment.

tomcat said:
 So, as a function of tradition and cost, there is still a significant market for whale meat (similar to Norway and Japan, both of which also have limited agricultural land available for meat protein production).

 Seems like a shame that some sort of exchange can't be worked out where Norwegians eat Icelanders, Icelanders eat Japanese people and so on and so forth.  Just a modest proposal if we are going to be eating creatures that may or may not be sentient.

Adding the Dreadful "Multi-Species" Permit,  Sweeney Schedules S2419 for Monday, June 10 Senate Vote.  The Bill Will Then Go to Governor Murphy's Desk. Action : Call your state senator. Next, tell the Governor to veto S2419. Write directly - and quickly - to your state senator here. Call Governor Murphy at 609-292-6000. Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney has posted S2419, the "Poaching Bill," for a Senate floor vote on Monday, June 10. If Governor Phil Murphy signs the measure, which humane organizations and the New Jersey Sierra Club have held back for 11 years, it becomes law.   Sweeney's inhumane wildlife legacy is about to get a lot worse, and that's saying something. When it comes to the inhumane and widespread decimation of wildlife, New Jersey, a cosmopolitan state, is nearly on a par with Alaska. Like Tammany Hall, we've had eight years and counting of Sweeney-Norcross rule.
  • S2419 vastly expands so-called depredation killing practices used by poachers - shooting deer from moving vehicles, at night, jacklighting, or stunning deer with bright lights, killing directly over bait - to many thousands of acres of so-called "stewardship" lands. 
  • Many stewardship tracts are managed for deer by logging, planting deer-preferred food plots, clear-cuts, thinning, prescriptive burning, and mowing. Hunting clubs lease much of this acreage. In Burlington County alone, 14,000 acres are managed for early succession under plans drawn up by New Jersey Audubon's consulting business. The Division of Fish and Wildlife, industry, hunters' groups - Pheasants Forever, wild turkey hunters, Bobwhite quail hunters - and Audubon are engaged in restocking "small game," for hunters' guns. All of the aforementioned practices stimulate deer reproduction.
  • S2419 has been amended to include the Draconian "Multi-Species Depredation" Permit, which could never pass on its own: Permits "authorize agents of the owner or lessee, to kill any animal of a species listed in the permit which is on the land and known to cause crop damage" (Emphasis added). 
It is obvious to anyone that the legislation invites abuse: "Known to cause crop damage" applies to a ridiculously wide array of species. "Known to cause" and causing crop damage are two different things. Wildlife feeding is the cost of doing business; weather, insects, and disease cause far greater losses. Often wildlife impact is light. For localized hot spots involving Canada geese or deer, complainants should substantiate claims and, if borne out, superior, non-lethal methods should be employed. As a cynical sop to the arguments of some and an "out" for the Senators who voted for this disgraceful measure, Senator Bob Smith lifted his proposed ban on the public's feeding of deer, while allowing the hunters to bait.    What intrigues us here at APLNJ is the senators who allowed the amendment. Please review the Senate roll call vote for amending the bill. To be clear, the vote means that the senator allowed the bill to be amended, not that he or she voted for the bill - that vote is coming up on Monday. Still, given the outrageous nature of the amendment, the vote is shocking. Please let your senator know how you feel. And please call as many of the highlighted senators, yours or not, that you can. The highlighted lawmakers are generally animal-friendly. Under Sweeney, hunted and trapped animals apparently don't count. Find the legislator phone numbers here.
SENATE Session Voting: Sen.    5/30/2019  -  2ND READING   -  Yes {0}  No {0}  Not Voting {40}   -  Voice Vote Passed Sen.    5/30/2019  -  AMEND   -  Yes {28}  No {0}  Not Voting {12}    -  Roll Call
Addiego, D M - Not Voting Andrzejczak, B - Yes Bateman, C - Yes
Beach, James - Yes Brown, C. - Yes Bucco, A - Not Voting
Cardinale, G - Yes Codey, R - Yes Connors, C - Not Voting
Corrado, K - Not Voting Cruz-Perez, N - Not Voting Cryan, J - Yes
Cunningham, S - Yes Diegnan, P, Jr. - Yes Doherty, M- Not Voting
Gill, N - Yes Gopal, V - Yes Greenstein, L - Not Voting
Holzapfel, J - Not Voting Kean, T - Yes Lagana, J - Yes
Madden, F - Not Voting O'Scanlon, D - Not Voting Oroho, S - Yes
Pennacchio, J - Not Voting Pou, N - Yes Rice, R - Yes
Ruiz, T - Yes Sacco, N - Yes Sarlo, P - Yes
Scutari, N - Yes Singer, R - Yes Singleton, T - Yes
Smith, B - Yes Stack, B - Yes Sweeney, S - Yes
Thompson, S - Not Voting Turner, S - Yes Vitale, J - Yes
Weinberg, L - Yes

Found out about this late but I'm guessing it is on the governor's desk to sign. The senate passed a similar bill. I'm still calling the governor.

Thanks, Morganna, for spreading the word.  I didn't know about this.  Yes, I'm calling the governor's office, too.  Horrific.  What is wrong with people.  

Morganna, can you post a link to the above article?  I can’t read your post on my phone. 

Klinker said:
Morganna, can you post a link to the above article?  I can’t read your post on my phone. pulled it off of FB. I follow NJ Animal Observer and it was posted there although it appears to be the initiative of Animal Protection League of New Jersey. (APLNJ). I went to their page but couldn't find a link to this post but here is the link to their site.

This is the FB page of NJ Animal Observer He also has a great blog. Usually focuses on shelter statistics.

I first heard about this bill here, but I was also forwarded the following, which was sent by the League of Humane Voters.  Based on the address, this organization may be linked to APLNJ.  Morganna, I called the governor's office today.  Again, thank you for the alert.  

From: League of Humane Voters of New Jersey <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 7:17 PM
Subject: URGENT: ASK Governor Murphy to VETO A3242/S2419  
ACTION: Call Governor Murphy at 609-292-6000 and ask him to VETO A3242/S2419. 
>strong class=""> – for deer, beaver, geese, and other wildlife – is readily available.

  • S2419/A3242 broadens depredation permit killing on “lands under cultivation”  shooting deer from moving vehicles, at night; jacklighting, or stunning deer with bright lights, killing directly over bait – by hunters on many thousands of acres under forest stewardship, forest management, and woodland management plan. 
  • span class="Apple-converted-space"> 
  • Allowing hunters to use unethical methods on hundreds of thousands of acres de facto legalizes and normalizes poaching practices throughout much of New Jersey.
  • For a map of affected lands, click on this link.
  • Senator Bob Smith lifted his proposed ban on the public feeding of deer, even as his bill allowed hunters to bait.
  • Baiting, banned in New York and Pennsylvania and encouraged in New Jersey, increases deer density, reproduction, and conflict. Logging and management for “small game” creates deer breeding habitat and more deer. In multiple studies, baiting deer causes changes in tree species composition and retards forest regeneration by concentrating deer that continue to feed on natural browse. It increases predation on ground nesting birds. 
  • A3242/S2419 now includes a "Multi-Species Depredation" Permit, authorizing agents of the owner or lessee, to kill any animal of a species listed in the permit which is on the land and known to cause crop damage" (Emphasis added). 
span class="Apple-converted-space"> 
Run by cynical self-interests, New Jersey’s deer policy is incoherent. If possible, things are about to get a lot worse for an already persecuted species, and for any animals unfortunate enough to set foot on cultivated land. With New Jersey Audubon at the helm, our wildlife is in crisis.
Susan Russell, Wildlife Policy Director 
Image of Senate Vote:

Additional Information:

  • Stewardship tracts are effectively managed for more deer – “Woodland management plan development, reforestation, timber stand improvement, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement” by logging, planting deer-preferred food plots, clear-cuts, thinning, prescriptive burning, and mowing.
  • Hunting clubs lease much stewardship acreage. In Burlington County alone, landowners manage 14,000 acres for early succession (think, more deer) under plans drawn up by New Jersey Audubon's consulting business. 
  • span class="Apple-converted-space"> – Pheasants Forever, wild turkey hunters, Bobwhite quail hunters – and Audubon are engaged in restocking "small game," for hunters' guns. All of the aforementioned practices stimulate deer reproduction. As usual, the deer pay.

You’ve got this nightmare Bill (I can’t believe the way it’s written - well, I can, but I’m so dismayed), and we’ve got sell-out governments allowing coal-mining on the last remaining habitat for tiny birds and also draining critical aquifers for pure fresh water springs in Native Title sacred lands. 

Wilful blindness to what’s really important. 

Codey voted yes. That scumbag needs to go. 

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