Baby kitty "Mitten" needs a little prayer

Oh, I'm so sorry. You put so much into trying to save this little one. tongue laugh

So sorry for your loss. We know how heartbreaking it is. Please take comfort in that you gave her a loving home in her short time here. The pictures are beautiful.

I'm so sorry to read this. You tried so hard and did so much to help little Mittens. Sometimes there are no answers. I will light a candle to guide Mittens over the Rainbow Bridge. Knowing people were doing that helped me when our pug passed away suddenly last month, so I hope it will be a tiny bit of comfort to you.

Thank you Ladies for all your kind words. Reading your post does help the heart

Eventually I'll get another kitty who needs a home ..

Who knew I would become a cat lady wink

Thanks for what you did for her. You and the girls will share her memory forever...


Just catching up on this thread, HQ. Please don't question yourself - you did little Mitten a huge kindness by taking her in and loving her. You provided a safe and comfortable place for her to live out her sadly abbreviated life. Who knows what her fate would have been otherwise.

And while your girls will undoubtedly be sad, you're teaching them an important lesson about caring for others even when we do so at the risk of a broken heart. They will recover, and will open their hearts to another animal who needs their love.

RIP, mini Mitten.

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