Booster shots

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

My cousin got it all figured out. She received the first two Moderna. ....ain't getting any booster, "I'm not letting the gub'mint tell me what to do."

Summit, N.J. - and she has the rattlesnake flag on her lawn.

Freedumb Fools are Everywhere!

I have been listening and reading about the 4th shot but haven’t heard anyone address how long to wait if you had Covid. My husband and I were boostered in September but then we both had Covid in January. I’m thinking we both have immunity from that for at least 3 month so maybe we should hold off getting the 4th shot until May. Any thoughts?

The KMart in WO is accepting walk ins for 2nd booster.

I got mine yesterday, no wait

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Scully and I got ours this afternoon at K-mart, behind the dishwasher section.  Breezy, in and out but bring your vac. card.

the kmart still has dishwashers?

Mema said:

I have been listening and reading about the 4th shot but haven’t heard anyone address how long to wait if you had Covid. My husband and I were boostered in September but then we both had Covid in January. I’m thinking we both have immunity from that for at least 3 month so maybe we should hold off getting the 4th shot until May. Any thoughts?

personally, unless I was planning on travel/large gatherings, i would put the booster off 3-4 months UNLESS the numbers start getting high far the increases aren't bad...compared to the last spike.  look for the hospital and death numbers, as many people are just home testing and not can't go by number of positive cases...since home tests are widely available for free now...and before you had to pay for home tests, so people were more likely to use lab tests that were free

MsSumida said:

The KMart in WO is accepting walk ins for 2nd booster.

I got mine yesterday, no wait

I was there, too. but I didn't see you.

Got a question for folks getting their second booster. Now that this is the fourth time you've introduced your immune system to this challenge, have you noticed any change in your immediate response to the shot? People have different levels of annoyance and discomfort, which is a bummer. 

But have you had less of a reaction? A worse one? No change?

I ask because there are people speculating that this 4th dose in about a year or so will overstress your immune system. What would that look like? 

I've been lucky as I haven't had much of a reaction to any of my 3 shots so far, other than a sore arm for a few days. I'll check back after booster 2.

Mema said:

I have been listening and reading about the 4th shot but haven’t heard anyone address how long to wait if you had Covid. My husband and I were boostered in September but then we both had Covid in January. I’m thinking we both have immunity from that for at least 3 month so maybe we should hold off getting the 4th shot until May. Any thoughts?

drummerboy said:

I've been lucky as I haven't had much of a reaction to any of my 3 shots so far, other than a sore arm for a few days. I'll check back after booster 2.

Booster, Sept. 27th.

Covid +, December 27th. No major symptoms, just maybe a bit tired.

Booster 2x on March 30. Bad sore arm Thursday and Friday. Slight fever on Thursday. Much better today.

We took the shots on Friday.  This is the first time my wife had no side effects.  I've never had side effects.

BTW the walk in line at K Mart was pretty long.  I suggest making an appointment.

bub said:

We took the shots on Friday.  This is the first time my wife had no side effects.  I've never had side effects.

BTW the walk in line at K Mart was pretty long.  I suggest making an appointment.

Interesting... on 3/30, 3 p.m., there was no line. I wonder why the difference.

My wife and I got our 2nd booster shots at Kmart yesterday (Saturday) about 11:00 am. No lines at all. We didn't have an appointment.  Neither of us had a reaction. We didn't have any reactions to the first three. 

I just got Joe D's call yesterday re new schedule next week. But where do I find this week's schedule? Is it 2-7pm today (Friday 4/15)?

I walked in and out of k-mart yesterday for the 2nd booster, about 5pm. No problems so far - just a little achy at the injection spot.

I got my answer once I looked at the Essex Covid website on my computer rather than my phone. The hours are 2-7pm today and 8am-2pm tomorrow.  From the robocall, beginning next week - same hours next week, but they are going down to three days - Thursdays and Fridays 7-2pm and Saturdays 8am - 2pm.

Take it FWIW.  I work with man physicians and many, if not most, are not jumping to get the 2nd booster.  But they are saying that when they do they will switch to Moderna.  We all got Pfizer for our first three shots. 

There’s some concern that there will be “vaccine fatigue” if boosted so often.  Nothing definitive. Remember we’ve never had vaccines this close together. 

Lastly, some are surmising that waiting until fall could bring a better vaccine.  

And I think you’re supposed to wait 4 - 6 months after contracting COVID. 

I had a reaction to the third shot at the K Mart last October.   Swelling for about a week in my armpit (lymph nodes?) and a rash on the upper chest.  I am not sure if the rash was a  reaction or just a coincidence.   But I was okay with the swollen lymph nodes since it meant to me that the vaccine was working.  Note that I went a little too soon and got a full dose third shot rather than the half dose booster.  My wife had no reaction.  

I went today.  It is about five months since my 1st booster, 3 weeks ahead of air travel and 4 months ahead of international travel, so I decided to go ahead.  All 4 were Moderna FWIW.  (The Essex County "staple")  Hoping for little or no reaction.

There were very few people there - we were in and out in under a half hour, including the 15-minute wait afterward.

Anyone have a link to a good source which presents the case for “vaccine fatigue” or 

“over stress the immune system” with the second booster?

I’m presuming “vaccine fatigue” is meant to refer to an immunological (not psychological) phenomenon.

Googling "Vaccine Fatigue" only brings up results about side-effects, including being tired for a day or so after receiving the shot.

dickf3 said:

Anyone have a link to a good source which presents the case for “vaccine fatigue” or 

“over stress the immune system” with the second booster?

I’m presuming “vaccine fatigue” is meant to refer to an immunological (not psychological) phenomenon.

There is an article in this month's AARP Bulletin which mentions this theory and does not dispute it.  Not sure if it is available on line.  There is a lot of COVID vaccine related information on the AARP website and they hold frequent virtual briefings with experts in the field.  Presentations include ample time for Q&A.

I got my 2nd booster a couple of weeks ago. No appointment at K Mart. Pretty quick. It was about 5 months since the last booster.

Joan: I looked at AARP Bulletin online. Both all articles (undated) available at home page, plus all state-focused April articles. I didn’t see any about boosters or immunizations.

dickf3 said:

Joan: I looked at AARP Bulletin online. Both all articles (undated) available at home page, plus all state-focused April articles. I didn’t see any about boosters or immunizations.

April 2022 issue.  p. 4.  Second Booster Not Needed Yet.  Upper left hand column on the page.

Thanks Joan. The latest article I can find on 2nd booster only describes its benefit, and is dated 3/29. The online Bulletin I see doesn’t display a particular month’s Bulletin (like the print version I imagine you receive). I would have thought what’s provided online would show at least everything in the print version, if not more. Maybe I just missed it. 

dickf3 said:

Thanks Joan. The latest article I can find on 2nd booster only describes its benefit, and is dated 3/29. The online Bulletin I see doesn’t display a particular month’s Bulletin (like the print version I imagine you receive). I would have thought what’s provided online would show at least everything in the print version, if not more. Maybe I just missed it. 

Probably not.  Some material in the AARP Bulletin is likely limited to members of AARP and not displayed in the public portion (as opposed to the members only portion) of their website..  

Went to West Orange to get my second booster shot today. Long lines and hot as hell in there. Worst experience so far with this. The staff is organized as usual but struggling with high volume. 

fed123 said:

Went to West Orange to get my second booster shot today. Long lines and hot as hell in there. Worst experience so far with this. The staff is organized as usual but struggling with high volume. 

Mother's day rush?

Great point! We did it today because of our daughter's graduation coming up.

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