not sure - can you email me the original so I can test it - here's a better view:
Some kind of flexible concrete forms? That's just a guess though, no idea really!
Second guess would be bolt together culvert halves. Third, prefab quonset huts???
I don't know what they are but if Darth Vader saw that picture from a probe droid he'd send the Imperial Fleet to look for a Rebel Base.
Yeah, I was thinking they were culvert related, and I just realized that what I thought was a single object is actually a stack of 7 or 8 of them.
Molds to pour concrete into to serve as a storm drain.
cramer said:
Molds to pour concrete into to serve as a storm drain.
I dunno about that. If they were concrete forms you'd expect them to be a lot wider. They look like they're a foot wide. You'd have to stick ten of them together to get ten feet of storm drain. Seems very inefficient.
Plus they don't look like molds anyway. I can't envision how they would work as molds to make a cast concrete pipe.
Though they are probably related to laying down a drainage pipe of some sort. Maybe they're just supports.
Looks like corrugated polyethylene storm drain sections. They are bolted together to form a circle. They're about 5 feet sections. Not a mold for concrete.that is the storm drain in halves.
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