How To Park Like a Tool

I’m self-flagellating again. Half an hour ago, so around 3pm I parked in an empty parking lot at my local shops. Chose a corner bay close to the shop I wanted and to my horror finished up right over the passenger’s side line, effectively taking over two bays. 
Luckily just at the pharmacy to collect meds for my pounding migraine, now crying softly into my pillow.

long face

Well, this guy obiously thinks his big red truck is a lot longer than it is.  I doubt he'd find anything big enough at the Dollar Store that he'd need this much room to load into his "rig".  But he even made it hard for people to pass in FRONT of this behemoth.....

Juniemoon said:

Well, this guy obiously thinks his big red truck is a lot longer than it is.  I doubt he'd find anything big enough at the Dollar Store that he'd need this much room to load into his "rig".  But he even made it hard for people to pass in FRONT of this behemoth.....

that’s a power tool 

the paint makes it look the like truck is in a spot, but the row of cars indicates otherwise

jmitw said:

the paint makes it look the like truck is in a spot, but the row of cars indicates otherwise

His rear wheel is parked on the front line of the spot behind him, hanging a good part of his rear into that spot.  And yet cars passing in front of him would still have to swerve around.  I suppose you could fit a VW Beetle behind him.  But, if you want to drive a vehicle that huge, you should be polite & take the extra time needed to find a space it actually fits into.

so his front end is NOT past the parking spot?  and that is actual 2 spots?  i was under the impression the complaint was that he was not in a spot at all, but he is....not his fault other people can't drive.  the truck is apparently road legal, not his fault the lot does not have spaces for over sized vehicles.  would you rather they turn 4 spots into 2 to designate them as over sized parking?  or just as needed, a truck driver can take both spots?

Mr. Volvo with Vermont plates decided to block the exit of the parking lot on Baker, while he sat in the car waiting for someone.

Stop & Shop.  It's raining so might as well take two spots.

yahooyahoo said:

Stop & Shop. It's raining so might as well take two spots.

I can only imagine how hard it was for other shoppers to find another space.

--- and the entitled drivers who need to "wait" on Maplewood Avenue for kid to pick up something and get back in the car or stop with blinkers on, waiting for a spot at Able Bakery. 

In front of A.B., is usually the most "jammed" section of Maplewood Ave. I realize your coffee is more important than everybody else on the street, but there is a parking lot across the street and if that is full there are side streets and empty spaces beyond the dance studio.

But yeah, you are your coffee are important....

And another thing, get off my lawn! Damn kids.

DaveSchmidt said:

yahooyahoo said:

Stop & Shop. It's raining so might as well take two spots.

I can only imagine how hard it was for other shoppers to find another space.

well now, you've ruined the whole premise of this thread.

drummerboy said:

well now, you've ruined the whole premise of this thread.

Pshaw. I merely cast a drop of precipitation on an expansive definition of toolhood.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

--- and the entitled drivers who need to "wait" on Maplewood Avenue for kid to pick up something and get back in the car or stop with blinkers on, waiting for a spot at Able Bakery. 

In front of A.B., is usually the most "jammed" section of Maplewood Ave. I realize your coffee is more important than everybody else on the street, but there is a parking lot across the street and if that is full there are side streets and empty spaces beyond the dance studio.

But yeah, you are your coffee are important....

I agree with you. 

drummerboy said:

well now, you've ruined the whole premise of this thread.

he can’t help himself…

my pet peeve is people in small cars that pull up close to my back bumper.  i like to pull through a double space so I can pull out forward when i leave ..after seeing an idiot looking at her cell phone, walk out between 2 parked cars and right toward a car backing up....I have a large car so I don't have that much room behind me when I park.  once in a while a numbskull is a subcompact that only needs 3/4 of the space will pull all the way up to the line or even cross I can't get my lift gate open to load my trunk....when parking up to someone's rear bumper, try to leave room for them to get to the trunk.....i usually park further away in the lot, plenty of better spaces, but someone has to come back right behind me....

Merry Christmas! Thanks for pulling past the do not enter portion of the lot to attempt this magnificent display of idiocy

dano said:

Merry Christmas! Thanks for pulling past the do not enter portion of the lot to attempt this magnificent display of idiocy

A lot of people drive the wrong way in that lot.

True Confessions:  This morning I was so worried about being late for my Zumba class that I totally misjudged my parking attempt, and took up 2 bays while parking at the edge of the rec centre’s lot…I’d unintentionally lined the centre of my car along the connecting line. *hanging my head in shame*

It was raining, I was running late, and I promised my classmates I’d confess here  question  My instructor just laughed. 
ETA: yep I left the car like that until after class. 

joanne said:

True Confessions:  This morning I was so worried about being late for my Zumba class that I totally misjudged my parking attempt, and took up 2 bays while parking at the edge of the rec centre’s lot…I’d unintentionally lined the centre of my car along the connecting line. *hanging my head in shame*

It was raining, I was running late, and I promised my classmates I’d confess here 
 My instructor just laughed. 
ETA: yep I left the car like that until after class. 

So now you'll have to show your classmates the post, to prove that you have, indeed - if not in fact - confessed.  However, no confession of this sort is valid if there are no pictures to corroborate this dastardly deed!

joanne said:

True Confessions:  This morning I was so worried about being late for my Zumba class that I totally misjudged my parking attempt, and took up 2 bays while parking at the edge of the rec centre’s lot…I’d unintentionally lined the centre of my car along the connecting line. *hanging my head in shame*

Unwittingly, you fulfilled the prophecy of one of my alma mater’s fight songs.

You zigged a Zumba.

 The car in the background is backing out of a spot.  The closer car is parked.

yahooyahoo said:

 The car in the background is backing out of a spot.  The closer car is parked.

Wow! That's terrible.

At Summit Medical Group in Berkeley Heights:

Location: Seton Hall Prep


soda said:

Location: Seton Hall Prep


You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by...

At Santander Bank in Scotch Plains.  Diagonal parking is difficult to handle.

I saw many tools parked today on baker street by the cleaners/ karate dojo… 

tomcat said:

At Santander Bank in Scotch Plains.  Diagonal parking is difficult to handle.

well, it’s so slippery, parking front-in on wet surfaces…  long face

even in ohio.

I was in the car to the right as she pulled in. I waited for her to correct herself. She did not. She thought it was a perfectly fine job. I restrained myself from having a talk with her.

(though looking at my car, I seem to be pretty far to the right myself.)

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