I surrender - AC is now on

We have done fine with the attic fan up to now.  But the AC is now on, at least through the weekend.

Today was enough to make anyone surrender!  Your attic fan must really work well.  

Mine is still in the closet. I may give up on Saturday.

Still holding out on putting the home unit in service, but did get the AC in my car repaired today

you guys are nuts! cheese I’ve had mine on since June!

I’ve had mine on since April. Heat and humidity are two things that have no business together. One of the main reasons I am leaving this tropical swamp. 

GoSlugs said:
I’ve had mine on since April. Heat and humidity are two things that have no business together. One of the main reasons I am leaving this tropical swamp. 

 Its killing me and I'm weighing my options. Moving or just traveling? Suggestions please.

You gotta move. It’s earlier and worse every year. I think the stress of it has literally harming my health. 

How far should we go?  Upstate?  Greenland?

Well, it was 90 degrees in Anchorage at the beginning of the month.

BUT, once you get into the arctics, you have to deal with swarms of mosquitos during the summer.

humidity about 200% right now.

my ac is almost always on unless it’s cold enough in the house for heat. It gets too hot in the house for me above 71 inside

We just got CAC over the winter and have been using it a lot for the last 4-6 weeks. We haven’t seen the first electric bill to find out what that ‘hit’ will be.

I've had an a.c. in my living room since middle of June for guests. I have a ceiling fan in my bedroom so I was ok until Tuesday when I gave up and installed my window unit

I wrestled my large window unit to the first floor last night when I got in from work. UNCLE!

Still no ac.  Other parts of the house have AC turned on.  Not my room. Three fans, though.

Meanwhile, we've got a dehumidifier in the basement that pulls approximately 4 gallons of water every 24 hours, -out of the air! -Seems like voodoo magic. Never ceases to amaze me.

No wonder we're in drought - you've got our water in your air!!  smile  please send it back to the Southern Hemisphere, it's meant to rain in our winter. 

We would if we could Joanne. We would if we could.

just to give you some idea of what we're dealing with, this article is about where I was living before I moved to the Gold Coast:


(Where I currently live is on the Coastline opposite the 2-3 on the bar graph)

Click the link for the latest briefing on the heat that is on the way: https://www.weather.gov/media/okx/heat.pdf


I used to think that you were a nice guy, but snow in the winter and heat in the summer.  You gotta shape up.

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