Is it migraine weather?

seaweed, if the triptans work for you, I find them to be miraculous.

gerryl said:

seaweed, if the triptans work for you, I find them to be miraculous.

Amen! I used to miss days of work because I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. Now within a couple of hours, I can go to work as a functional human being.

It's snowing up here in CT, and my head feels like it's going to explode. One round of ibuprofen already taken, and I think I'll just lie down for awhile with the cold cloth on the eyes. Ugh.

I agree, the triptans help immensely, though I also will now take 1000 mg of ibuprofen at a time (I know that sounds crazy, but it was on the advice of my neurologist, and usually means I only take it once a day instead of several, so in the end I'm taking less each day). Mine are congestion as well as weather triggered (and hormonal), but I started taking Allegra this week for my allergies and that seems to be helping some... @Seaweed, I've been very happy with Dr Morse in Morristown as someone who doesn't go straight to the daily preventative medicines but will try to find the right symptomatic treatment for you, if you're interested. The triptan/ibuprofen combo is a million times better than ibuprofen alone, at least for me.

@Marylago - I tried to fill a sumovel prescription and it was going to cost me $900 for 6 shots! Have you found it cheaper somehow? The samples I've had are wonderful...

thanks for the suggestion @jmc on Dr Morse, I will definitely consider triprans as I had no idea they even existed before this thread. Are there any side effects experienced by any of you who take them?

I have had no side effects. The bad news is that they do constrict your blood vessels, so they limit the number you can take. I know they don't work for everyone. but if I take one early, usually one does the trick. Sometimes I have to take one more. The relief for me is immeasurable.

@jmc My plan covers them, but I have to get pre-authorization. My neurologist has to certify the shots are necessary every six months--good thing I see him every six months. With that authorization, I only pay my regular co-pay. I am thankful for good prescription coverage.

I can't take triptans, for me it's as bad as my penicillin and salicylate allergies.

@joanne, I am so sorry, and I hope you've found other things that help you. Triptans have changed my life, though I have to be very careful as left to my own devices I would take them more than I should, which could result in rebound headaches or a loss of effectiveness. Not all Triptans are the same, I have a nasal spray that works great but has some spacy side effects, and an oral (relpax) that I have no side effects with at all.

I'm on preventatives, that work on non-pain systems in the body, to try to thwart the migraines developing in the first place. not always successful, have to use some non-medication approaches like sleep and cooling strips, dark rooms etc.

My last resort is a hospital-administered anti-psychotic drug.

So, of course, since I said I haven't had a migraine, I woke up at 4am with one. ::sigh:: Took a shot. Feel much better.

I'm pregnant so all I have to combat my migraines these days are Tylenol Extra Strength.. enough said.

Reposting/Crossposting this news here, and trying to find the 'kids with migraine' thread:
important migraine medication news for parents whose children have migraines

anyone with a migraine today wondering if it's the weather

Had one the day before yesterday. Trying to stay away from taking too many triptans, so it lasted into yesterday afternoon when I finally took one. I was clear after that, and have one that has come on full blown. Mine are definitely more likely to come with the weather like this.

hope you're feeling better! 

Haven't refreshed my reading above: have I mentioned You can set it for a variety of conditions and activities and see if you need to to take extra measures. Works for most places we need.

I've been on low food chemicals (natural food chemicals mainly) since Feb, and it's made a massive difference. When I asked for recipe help here, people thought it was crank science. What I'm doing is selecting out the micronutrients known to predispose towards biochemical imbalances that create inflammation and pain scenarios that turn into migraines. It's really exciting because I think in two weeks we're going to start adjusting some of my meds down, for a change oh oh 

I've also just completed Food as Medicine from Not quite what I expected but still very intense, very informative and empowering, and quite practical. This is free online learning from the best universities in the world, as short courses; we had something like 8-10 000 students I think, and over 90000 comments over 3 weeks sharing information and course work. Some good info in there, too. 

Ahhhhh, now I know why I've been having such a horrible time this week. Yes, I'm having headaches (mostly what I call the ice pick to the left temple) and problems with my vision. Wake up to a headache every day., and a general feeling of pressure like my head might explode. So yeah, I'd say it's migraine weather. 

Ah, that's what this is.  I don't think I get migranes, but I feel like my mind is partially lost in space.

Sprout, not all migraines hurt. Not all migraines affect the head. 

You might have "silent migraines". A handy list of better known signs is at

I used to just get the visual aura, sparks, lightning, blind spots. Now I get a very high pressure feeling in my head, and nausea. I don't really get the crushing pain. If I do get pain, it is a stabbing sensation in the temple, usually on the left. And always dizziness and spaciness.

As they say, if you're a migraineur ( not a "only very occasionally maybe migraine" person), then every incident is a new one, different from the last. Probably had loads you didn't realise were attacks, and put down to something else. LOL

The Meniere's Disease has added its own special twists. I really don't know which is which when the symptoms start. One doctor I spoke to said he thought maybe I have migraine-related vertigo, but that was before I knew I had migraines in their own right.

I'm tired of being an interesting patient. I'd like to have a go at being dull, please.

sending hugs to you all.

I've developed a curious symptom: writing things backwards - not literally, but the wrong syllable first, or the last word first, the total before the parts to be added, etc. and I type things twice but so fast I don't know. It's like my brain stutters. Ugh.

yike. What does the doctor say about that??

I have the answer to some of my recent symptoms, BTW, and I'm really angry about it. I had new glasses made two months ago, and found out yesterday that the lenses didn't match the prescription AT ALL. No wonder I was dizzy, had headaches and blurred vision. Morons. At least they are making new lenses for free. I will have them checked by my eye doctor, though, before I wear them much.

On the weird side, though, it turns out that my eyes have changed a bit in just two moths, which is disconcerting.

Peggy! What the - ? How could they not follow the scripts?? Did an "apprentice" make up the new glasses??? It's just bizarre!! (You've asked all the questions, I know) don't you want to throw something or scream, with frustration at the sheer stupidity of it??!!

I see the neuro on Tuesday, and get meds adjusted then. oh oh

I don't know. They were sent out to be ground by professionals, one pair of lenses had to be replaced already because they got the reading part wrong, and when they came back to the store a licensed optician checked then to make sure they were correct. 

But the optometrist who tested my eyes at the vision center looked at both pairs of glasses and says the lenses weren't even close to the original script. I have no idea how the optician at the store could have not seen it. 

This is the last time I try to save money by buying glasses at a big box store. Granted, I got two pairs for what would usually be the price of one, but now I understand that "you get what you pay for." I don't know how anyone can trust glasses they buy online. I figured I was safe with real people!

Thank goodness you found out, though.

I have woken up with a migraine for the past two days.  Anyone else?

I hope that they are weather-related and that tomorrow's rain will make them go away!

yesterday I had one

Had one this morning... Not the worst, and I had to conserve my shots so I toughed it out. Found out that postdrome without triptans is worse than with... 

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